She was on strike four.....

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
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near London, Ontario
Young does get four kicks at the can before they get severely threatened and or moved out. I don't start counting til I have an actual litter or they are nine months old for the small breeds.

Strike one: litter all dead
Strike two: missed and didn't want to be rebred immediately.
Strike three: refused the buck numerous times (even my never say die mr. wiggins) even though all signs indicated she was ready for him (to the point of humping the boys).
Strike four: (NOT!): one litter of healthy kits, born two days early. Six or seven little popples. One DOA. Pulled some fur, not quite enough for a rainy day so added some from my stash (her hair from first litter). Here's hoping that this time Silver my loppy girl gets it all right! (they are smaller then normal for my loppies, but she's not a big rabbit either). hope, hope, hope!!!!
Fingers crossed - may all go well!<br /><br />__________ Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:43 pm __________<br /><br />Fingers crossed - may all go well!
six kits living, eight kits she had total. she over-cleaned one and it died this afternoon (was missing half the skin on it's head) so we have six living yet. Two of them look to have missing parts to their ears which is a bummer in a loppy litter, but hey...if they make it through all is forgiven. :)
so we are down to four kits....I've transferred them over to NN Easter and given her three of NN Easter's to raise, different value on the kits. We'll see how she does managing just three kits. NN Easter will manage seven just fine. She's trying to do her job, I'm just not convinced she's real stellar at doing it at this point.
how did she loose kits after kindling? were they dead in the nest? where bellies full? I have one gal that was on her 4th and last strike; she seems to have finally got it. Is raising the 5 she kindled---I seriously thought she was doomed... I think three strikes is good--and if there are circumstances, one more go can't hurt.
how did she lose kits after kindling?

This does was slow to start mothering well.
kits got lost in the bottom of a huge nest.
her kits were extra tiny when born

we have two left from the original 6 alive, and one is the coolest colour...a chocolate chinchilla. So hoping it's a doe as it is pretty, pretty pretty. :) it's a colour i would be quite happy raising up.