Sharp Claws a Problem

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
Spingville, California
Just got in to raising rabbits and finally the day has come for my doe's first litter. Everything went great but I noticed after about a day that some had small scrapes on top of there head and sides, at first I didn't think to much about it till the third day when my favorite kit had a scratch across his eye. Took me a while to figure it out but I realized that she was scratching them, probably while feeding them, with het claws. I did take a look first at her claws and sure enough they were pretty scarry long, cliped them and filed them down a bit and it fixed the problem right away.
My three new rabbits all have very long nails right now. I am going to clip them on Thursday when my husband is home to help. Did you use regular human nail clippers or something else?
Just small scissors and a regular paper nail file. Just clip the clear part of the nail, dosen't take much to make them the nails safe.
I use either toenail clipper for cats, or toenail clippers for people. I also have fingernail and baby nail clippers that I use as well, depending on the size of the rabbit getting trimmed.
I'm glad to hear you are checking the kits daily so you can catch problems early. :) It will also make for very friendly bunnies.

Keeping your rabbits nails trimmed will keep both your rabbits and you as their handler safer. Long nails can get caught in the floor wire and torn, as well as being lethal weapons to you and the kits.

I use the scissor type clippers for dog nails. I always trim my doe's nails on the day they are bred. I trim them again about a week prior to their due date so they have time to become smooth before the kits are born. My bucks get regular trims as well. If you keep up on it they will stay blunt and never become dangerously sharp.

Congratulations on the litter!
I have a fingernail clipper I use for babies, and a toenail clipper and scissor type cat claw trimmer that I use for the adults. I try to trim their nails once a month or so, or when I notice them getting long. I do as MSD does and trim at breeding and a week before kindling. It really helps to get that first nail trim early, since their nails grow out like a hypodermic needle initially, with a hollow underneath and a sharp point. Once you trim that off, they start to grow in solid...
Took MSD's advice regarding clipping my does nails, when she was put with my buck and a week prior to kindling and had no scratches on the babies. Use small dog nail clippers for my rabbits. At first was a bit nervous and trimmed every two weeks, just taking off the tips of the nails. But since, have gotten pretty good at nail clipping and my rabbits have gotten used to it as well.

Nail clipping is just as important as grooming or feeding. Definitely helps save your arms.
