Steel was a thought, but I've had far too many litters from him to think he'd be. The kicker is that the doe's sire was a Steel. But, she's obviously a Tort, so no question there.
If one of these kits turns out to be a Steel, I'll be in trouble!! SERIOUSLY! I just sold some as CERTAIN not to be. I'll be paying for it!
I honestly think the chance is zero.
Here's his record....
Bred to Aa---ee, he produced mostly Chestnuts, Opals, REWs and less often a Blue or Black. This breeding was done twice.
Another doe, Aa---ee produced the same, exactly. Far more Agouti than Solid. This breeding was done twice.
With a doe that was aa---ee, he produced 1/3 Agouti, 2/3 Solid.
With a doe that was AA---Ee, he produced all Agouti and REW. This breeding was done three times.
No questionable kits at all. The only way he could have hidden Steel in these kits so well is by hiding them only in his REW.... But WHY am I shaking in my boots!
I have experienced different shades of Solid colors often. But, never quite this contrast of Black. The one looks much darker than most I've had and the other much lighter. The darker one has an earthy hue and the lighter one a chalky blue hue. I read that Self Chin colors might sometimes express bluish (or rather lack of yellow). Oh, PLEASE let that be it!
__________ Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:01 pm __________
You know what? I'm going to stop worrying. Here's another thought. He's a couple days old. From birth to now he's changed to be much darker than he was. I'm recalling many a REW that looked pink longer than his siblings. They even out within a few days.
Maybe this is just hair coming in slower. <br /><br /> __________ Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:36 pm __________ <br /><br />
I'm nervously talking myself out of concern for
Steel. There is a nearly equal difference in the two Agoutis... and therin lies a clue. Those white ears are proof enough to me that they are not Steel, yet there is that same color difference.