Sexing Newborn kits **pics**

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Give them another week and then you can press above the genitilia, gently with just enough to "pop" it, to see if you get a "leaf" or a "Sheath". That will let you know if you have a doeling or a buckling respectively.
Sagebrush":1o11qf7k said:
Give them another week and then you can press above the genitilia, gently with just enough to "pop" it, to see if you get a "leaf" or a "Sheath". That will let you know if you have a doeling or a buckling respectively.
I think I'll be posting pictures for you in another week Sagebrush and see if you can help me figure it out! Each time I think I figured it out I then 2nd guess it. ;) You make it sound easy! Hopefully it will be. :D
Sagebrush":3o8faag1 said:
Give them another week and then you can press above the genitilia, gently with just enough to "pop" it, to see if you get a "leaf" or a "Sheath". That will let you know if you have a doeling or a buckling respectively.

Sagebrush, Can you elaborate or possibly show a picture? I have 2 that I need to sex, and I thought I had it figured out until I saw the latest pictures on this thread! Thanks
Sagebrush":1136hbr5 said:
Give them another week and then you can press above the genitilia, gently with just enough to "pop" it, to see if you get a "leaf" or a "Sheath". That will let you know if you have a doeling or a buckling respectively.

Well, it's been more than a week and I can't say I can figure it out.
Love to hear your opinion again Sagebrush and the opinion of anyone else! If there is certain ones the picture isn't clear enough let me know. They are almost 4 weeks old.

Holland Cross black gender.jpg
1) Black Holland cross

Holland Cross chesnut.jpg
2)Chestnut Holland cross

Tri color Mini Lop gender.jpg
3) Tri Color Mini Lop

Harl Mini Lop gender.jpg
4) Harlequin Mini Lop
EnglishSpot":3d8pnp9y said:
(Here's my guess: first is a doe, second is ??, and the last two are boys--but I don't know so wait til Sagebrush can verify.)

Ignore the RT member behind the curtain.....


Thanks for responding EnglishSpot and for giving your opinion!
I'd love to have others chime in too.
Is the Tri Color photo clear enough? ha! We were so wanting one of the Mini Lops to be a doe!
Sagebrush":44w79kgc said:
Sorry for my long absence, was dealing with school and life.

#1 is Doe, a leaf!!
#2 Buck
#3 Buck
#4 Buck

I will get some pics of my kits tomorrow after the sun comes up and I get the kids settled.

Thank you Sagebrush! No need to apologize! Thanks!
This is awesome. I have some boxes about to fill up soon and I will try to get some close up pics to compare and post on here for others to see. The only thing i'm not sure of is a way to verify accuracy 100%. You can't tattoo that young. I guess if nothing else you get your buck/doe ratio and compare when they are a little older and see if you still have same buck/doe ratio... obviously that wouldn't be 100%
What I have done is take pics of each kit, full body and of genitilia, when newborn. I put in the description either buckling or doeling. At 4 weeks I go back and check again, then again at 6-8 weeks. I have had the SCF come and visit a time or few but it is usually the ones that I am unsure on from the beginning.
questioning if this buckling is a buckling. Why is this so difficult for me! ha.
Please pardon that the bunny chose to start to potty and that my winter chapped hand looks like death close up (frightening).

9 weeks old:
Henry gender photo 9 weeks.jpg
Henry gender photo 9 weeks 2.jpg
JenerationX":2bwpza6g said:
Definitely a boy... I can tell because no self respecting woman would try to poop on you.

JenerationX you made me truly laugh out loud! ha. Thanks! :lol:

Thanks again for confirming Sagebrush! :)
The set up was too good. I just HAD to. If you feed and take care of something and it just sh... poops all over you, that's a male.
I will be contributing bunny 'junk' pics before long. The 9 kits are 11 days old today. Like many of you, I've checked a few times, based on the first pics in the thread, and I have a few guesses on some of them.
Syberchick70":2wjpqqsn said:
I will be contributing bunny 'junk' pics before long. The 9 kits are 11 days old today. Like many of you, I've checked a few times, based on the first pics in the thread, and I have a few guesses on some of them.

I will be putting some gender pics on here in the next day or two also. So all you that are good at this be ready for us! :D I need to figure out best as possible (no guarantees of course) before I start taking deposits from those waiting. Mine are 4 weeks tomorrow.