Give them another week and then you can press above the genitilia, gently with just enough to "pop" it, to see if you get a "leaf" or a "Sheath". That will let you know if you have a doeling or a buckling respectively.
I think I'll be posting pictures for you in another week Sagebrush and see if you can help me figure it out! Each time I think I figured it out I then 2nd guess it.Sagebrush":1o11qf7k said:Give them another week and then you can press above the genitilia, gently with just enough to "pop" it, to see if you get a "leaf" or a "Sheath". That will let you know if you have a doeling or a buckling respectively.
Sagebrush":3o8faag1 said:Give them another week and then you can press above the genitilia, gently with just enough to "pop" it, to see if you get a "leaf" or a "Sheath". That will let you know if you have a doeling or a buckling respectively.
Sagebrush":1136hbr5 said:Give them another week and then you can press above the genitilia, gently with just enough to "pop" it, to see if you get a "leaf" or a "Sheath". That will let you know if you have a doeling or a buckling respectively.
EnglishSpot":3d8pnp9y said:(Here's my guess: first is a doe, second is ??, and the last two are boys--but I don't know so wait til Sagebrush can verify.)
Ignore the RT member behind the curtain.....
Sagebrush":44w79kgc said:Sorry for my long absence, was dealing with school and life.
#1 is Doe, a leaf!!
#2 Buck
#3 Buck
#4 Buck
I will get some pics of my kits tomorrow after the sun comes up and I get the kids settled.
JenerationX":2bwpza6g said:Definitely a boy... I can tell because no self respecting woman would try to poop on you.
Syberchick70":2wjpqqsn said:I will be contributing bunny 'junk' pics before long. The 9 kits are 11 days old today. Like many of you, I've checked a few times, based on the first pics in the thread, and I have a few guesses on some of them.