Sexing kits? Pics

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2010
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I have a little blue kit who I would like to keep.... I am trying to sex it. I think it looks girly but I really don't know. It is only a little over a week old so I do not want to stress it too much.
Here are some pics. Any guesses?



And the last one!
not a clue.. mine are about to be 2 months and I still can´t figure them out.. lol
I can tell a difference starting about threeish weeks. I know though, I keep turning mine over, hoping it will all of a sudden magically be able to tell. Its easier when they are a few weeks older, up to six or eight weeks. Seeing the littermates compared to eachother really helps make it obvious, too. Give it a couple more weeks and try again ;) :)
I never bother to try sexing mine until they are much older... It doesn't change anything and I'd just as soon wait. But if I had to guess, based on the photos (which I zoomed in) I'd say the kit does look "girly".
it looks more like a Buck to me!
But I'll tell ya what ta do!
Place the little whatever it is in a small brown paper bag,
Shake the bag gently so as not to harm the little fella/Gal.
If you hear a jingle it's a BUCK! No sound it's a DOE!
Or you could wait a few more weeks and take another look. :)
LOL Otter!

I would try to sex a little bit later on also, but the "bits" look boyish to me, too. Someone once told me to go by the shape in youngsters as in taco=girl and doughnut=boy. I know it sounds silly and crude, but it has worked for me so far, lol.

Best of luck,

I agree with the taco and donut, but it looked taco to me. In fact, I'll go so far as to say there is a 50% chance the kit is female! :D

Seriously, have patience and wait awhile. Nobody can do more than guess at this point.
I vote male but my first few kits aren't old enough to be certain I'm right so I have no idea how accurate I am. My husband says they all look the same.
Place a beer and remote control just out of reach and the DVD set of Sex in the City episodes and see which ones "it" heads towards.
I vote girly. Pictures do make it harder though. I've been trying to teach myself to sex early and so far I've got a pretty good accuracy rate. I keep getting calls for rabbits that are still in the box, so in order to put them on the waiting list I like to know.

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