Sexing issue !

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Apr 25, 2015
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Australia (TAS)
Ok this one has really confused me...

I bred some bunnies born back on 6 April, I had studied all the sexing threads in here, sexed them and rechecked them for practice over the following months. One I believed to be a doe I was keeping to breed from and had it vaccinated at 4.5 buy the vet who also checked its gender and recorded it as female. The others ended up being what I though they were going to be (and being meat rabbits ended up dinner at around 5-6.5 months and no they weren't tough ect) Anyway the "doe" was bred at 6 months old and her undercarriage still looked like a doe, she wasn't keen though and kept running away and laying down then the buck would mount her, 10 days later I could feel some marble sized lumps in its belly (about 4 definitely under the skin not in the fur) and a friend visiting could feel them too but about a week before due date she didn't seem as big as I would have thought and she didn't kindle either. I put her with the buck again and this time the buck was still keen and did mount "her" several times but she was a little bit aggressive toward him... Day 10 I couldn't feel anything and put her with 2 bucks living in a colony situation they both were aggressive toward "her" and she didn't like them too much either,.. I became suspicious of the behaviours and checked the "doe" to find out she had balls and a penis :eek: which haven't been there before even not so long ago.

Okay so how can all of this happen? Do some rabbits mature VERY late and why didn't the vet notice either????
What were the very obvious marbles under the skin? I am terribly confused!!.
What breed of rabbit is he? The lumps you felt could be poop or maybe other organs......I am no good at palpating but those are the other choices in my book. When you sexted him did you look at the shape? Females have a longer slit like opening and males are more like a tube. This is what I go by before testicles can be seen.......
The breed is crossbred at 75% British Giant, 25% NZ. (meat xbred)

Yeah I was going on the slit bit having seen a photo of day old kits that someone posted and having looked at numerous other posts too. There were 10 kits all up for me to practice on (until I eventually ate them all) this one was the only one that deceived me but the vet too and for so long. Looking at all the various pics I thought it would all be fairly simple and the other siblings were pretty straight forward but this one has truly got me confused.

I've been sexing Tartar's litter since the beginning. 4 bucks 1 doe. Yesterday went down and got weights on them to prep for butchering, and I find 3 bucks and 2 does. :shock: :? :lol: :lol: Rabbits keep you guessing that's for sure. :lol: :lol:
Yep check for split penis. Having been hit by that lovely problem I am now highly suspicious of those impossible to tell youngsters.
I think you might all might be right about the split penis (Ive never heard of it before) but I do remember when I discovered it wasn't a doe that the penis did appear to have a slit like indentation on the under side. Not sure but that's what I seem to recall, its raining horribly at the moment and I don't feel like getting soaked going out there so will check again when the rain stops.

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