Selling Rabbit Meat for Human Consumption - USDA Info

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AZ Rabbits

Active member
Jan 12, 2012
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After speaking with the USDA and having fun researching, thought I'd share some info...

Aside from state regulations, selling rabbit meat falls under the USDA also has different requirements than beef, poultry, pork, etc. The better known meats (beef, poultry, etc) are under the free inspection umbrella. That means that a USDA inspector shows up once a day, unannounced and makes sure all is well. You don't have to pay the inspector to do this (beyond the other standard fees). However, rabbits do not fall under this category. If you are processing rabbit meat for human consumption, you have a pay a UDSA inspector to be at your plant, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. This include pay, benefits, holiday pay if necessary, etc. So more or less, you pay a full time babysitter a good salary with benefits. This is why there are only a couple rabbit meat processing plants in the US. The same thing happened with the Ostrich farms at first. It took 10 years for Congress to change their status and become a free inspection status. Rabbit has a long way to go...

Link to USDA information (use this link because it allows monthly updates): ... Findex.tpl
Go to Title 9
Then 300-599
Then 354.1-354.348

And don't forget 391.1 to 391.5
And of course 416.1-416.17
And then 417.1-417.8
And all the other sections that are relevant...

Happy reading!
Keep in mind that this is IF you want the meat USDA inspected...this states that it is not required to have the meat USDA inspected.... ... /index.asp

Here is the relevant section....

How Is Rabbit Inspected?
Under the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) inspects swine, cattle, sheep, and goats. Under the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA), the FSIS inspects "domesticated poultry" which is defined as chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, ratites, and squab.

Congress has not mandated inspection of rabbits under either the FMIA or the PPIA; therefore, inspection of rabbit is voluntary. Voluntary inspection of animals, including buffalo, antelope, reindeer, elk, deer, migratory water fowl, game birds, and rabbit, is handled under the Agricultural Marketing Act. Under voluntary inspection, each rabbit and its internal organs are inspected for signs of disease. The "Inspected for Wholesomeness by USDA" mark of inspection ensures the rabbit is wholesome and free from disease. When a rabbit processor does not produce rabbit meat under FSIS voluntary inspection, they would be subject to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspection under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

Some States, however, permit the sale of rabbit only if it is inspected under their laws.

The FDA has jurisdiction over the shipment of rabbit meat in interstate commerce.
Interesting. I spent a long time on the phone with them this morning and the information they gave me was a bit different. They told me inspections were mandatory. And regardless of the state laws, they had jurisdiction over rabbit meat processing in every state. Arizona falls in the Denver District, not sure about Texas.

But I guess that should be expected from government agencies... say one thing and write another.
AZ Rabbits":2bglslp5 said:
Interesting. I spent a long time on the phone with them this morning and the information they gave me was a bit different. They told me inspections were mandatory. And regardless of the state laws, they had jurisdiction over rabbit meat processing in every state. Arizona falls in the Denver District, not sure about Texas.

But I guess that should be expected from government agencies... say one thing and write another.

Confusing...isn't it? It would be nice if they got their story straight.
OneAcreFarm":2mgrqgf9 said:
Confusing...isn't it? It would be nice if they got their story straight.
No wonder nobody is ever able to open up rabbit meat processing plants (other than a couple, one of which has been open since 1911).<br /><br />__________ Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:46 pm __________<br /><br />I contacted the Denver District and they are saying that USDA inspections are voluntary.

I guess it's like calling the IRS... the answer changes with each call.
gah... this is seriously greek to me :/
anyone know about laws/regulations/etc in ohio? pretty please :)
ohiogoatgirl":3e9zcbqd said:
gah... this is seriously greek to me :/
anyone know about laws/regulations/etc in ohio? pretty please :)

I have posted what I could find, Ohio does not have much in the way of laws regarding the sale of rabbit meat. It is on the Statute thread...
Ohiogoatgirl-- I have the Ohio regulations in a packet, packed away in my spare room--- it is on my 'must find real soon' list