Selling pedigreed without a registered rabbitry?

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Tiny Buns

Well-known member
Aug 9, 2015
Reaction score
Just wondering....can one 'officially' sell pedigreed rabbits without an ARBA registered rabbitry? I've come across some I'd like to buy but when I inquired the breeder said she isn't registered anywhere. Are the kits she sells (and I want to buy) pedigreed simply because the parents are allegedly pedigreed? Don't want to waste my money if I find out they aren't....
You don't need to register a rabbit or a rabbitry to have a pedigree. Much more common to sell rabbits that simply have a pedigree. Trusted breeders will have quality rabbits with pedigrees and may or may not have them registered or even have a registered rabbitry Not a problem. It's just a matter of preference.
You don't have to have a registered rabbitry to sell a rabbit that you have breed with a pedigree. Assuming of course the pedigree is correct to the best of your knowledge.
Being a registered rabbitry means nothing more than you paid your ARBA dues and then paid to get your certificate...doesn't make you any more qualified than any other breeder with good stock... :)

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