self chin genetics?

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RR MiniSatins

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Reaction score
I have a copper (chestnut) doe that I know carries chin and non-extension. I bred her to a red buck that I know is Cc. Got two solid black kits. Neither of the parents have ever had a self before, but can I assume from this that whether it is a black or a self chin that both parents carry self? Also from what I understand, an ermine is a chin (A) with non-extension. Would a self chin be an aa with a capital E? Thanks
If they produced self kits then they must carry self but the parents only have a 25% chance of producing self - is it possible another buck fathered the litter?

Yes, a self chin would have be full extension and have a capital "E", a self chin that is non extension would be a tort colour.
Thanks Dood, I knew the chances of them carrying self was low, but not impossible. Three of the grandparents definitely carried self. I keep all my bucks in a separate room so I'm sure of the parentage.
Just a comment, siamese satins are self chin torts or sallanders, not sable or seal points. This is why I got self chin blacks from breedind my REW buck to my siamese mini satin doe. Big surprise! :bunnyhop:

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