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Cindi Davis

Well-known member
Apr 3, 2012
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My little guy Marble the Doxie had a seizure yesterday.

Scared the you know what out of me. He had been out side came in limping, next thing I knew his front end collapsed and down he went and was all stiff. Called Vet, said there wasnt anything he could do but to watch him carefully. Wellll he started panting had absolutly nooo energy sounded like it hurt to breath. I look in his mouth and it looks like its turning blue. Called Vet said I need him to look at the dog , get to the Vets and he couldnt find anything wrong heart lungs and throat all were clear. grrrrrrrr


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Cindi is he a double dapple? He looks like he could be one to me, were both of his parents dapples? Its very seldom that you see a colored headed Doxie, so it makes me wonder. Was it really hot today and did he over exert himself? Perhaps thats all it was, some heat exhaustion that triggered a seizure. Hope it does not happen again.
We have a dog, she's over 10 years old, and she's been having seizures for at least 8 years. They happen the most around holidays and birthdays, but will happen totally randomly too, so we think that sweets and stress set it off. We don't really worry too much about it, but we comfort her and tell her "the owies will be all gone." Sometimes she'll even get up and walk away while she's in the middle of a seizure! She can usually tell when it's about to hit her, because she starts looking for a safe place and giving people these frightened glances. :(
Awe, how awful! I hope it doesn't happen again, I can imagine it was kind of scary!
How old is the pup?

It could be a mild heat stroke. I had a pup, whose tongue turned blue while having a hard time breathing. Vet told us it was probably from the heat.

something to think about. like honorine suggested.

Marble is going on 3 yrs old and yes is a double dapple ( I know your not supposed to breed to dapples) I got him from a friend who didnt know any better than to breed the two. Of course when I saw him uhhhhh he had to come home with me lol. Ive had him since 7 weeks old neutered. When he had the seizure it was only about 65ish degrees and he had only been out long enough to potty and came back in limping (?) so I checked the leg and paw couldnt see anything, next thing I notice is he is having a seizure. Called Vet and took him on on a Sunday we figure either a bee sting or spider bite now. But Im keeping a real close eye on him now just in case
Cindi Davis":2bhxgp1i said:
Marble is going on 3 yrs old and yes is a double dapple ( I know your not supposed to breed to dapples) I got him from a friend who didnt know any better than to breed the two. Of course when I saw him uhhhhh he had to come home with me lol. Ive had him since 7 weeks old neutered. When he had the seizure it was only about 65ish degrees and he had only been out long enough to potty and came back in limping (?) so I checked the leg and paw couldnt see anything, next thing I notice is he is having a seizure. Called Vet and took him on on a Sunday we figure either a bee sting or spider bite now. But Im keeping a real close eye on him now just in case

Could have been a spider bite or bee sting. Could be hereditary, and not have manifested itself before. Seizures are strange things. Hard to tell unless he has another one. I hope he will be ok.
I would just watch him and see if it happens again. Keep an eye on him outside and make sure he's not getting into anything toxic, like 'magic mushrooms' or areas sprayed with Roundup. Heat exhaustion was my first guess, reaction to a chemical my second, and then of course he could just have had a minor seizure. Seizures can be genetic or not, there is a condition known as Photo Induced Epilepsy that Double Merles can have, has to do with minute eye defects. I asked if he was a DD because he looked like a high white piebald, and white spotting can and does cause many of the same problems as doubling up on the merle gene, but not normally seizures. It was not to critisize you or your friend for what he is, that was the furthest thing from my mind. I am most certainly not a Merle Nazi. I believe that Double Merles are part of the color, and can be very valuable in a breeding program. The number one Blue Merle Sheltie in the History of the breed who has been dead over 20 years and is still considered number one and is on just about every pedigree out there somewhere in the backround had a double merle dam. Nuff said. Good luck with your little fellow, hope it was just a one time thing and he's good as gold now.
Honorine, I didnt take the Double Dapple breeding in a bad light :) so no worries. Im hoping too, that he does not have anymore seizures its hard on them. I fostered a Longhair Doxie a few years ago that was epileptic . Personally I love all dogs and Rabbits of course.

Marble is probly 90% white.
Thank you though for your feedback some of that was new info and I appreciate all I can get at this poing
When my Chessie was about 3 years old, he had a seizure that I eventually traced to the ingestion of salamanders ( he had eaten enough toads out of the pond area that salamanders were able to move back in!) HIs death seizure was of genetic origin--
Dogs can be VERY dangerous during the post-ictal stage-- Your Doxie does not look like he ahs the physical characteristics of a hydrocephalic doxie-- another source of seizure activity--

I have never had a dog turn blue in the tongue or mouth unless a heart attack was involved-- Some of the sporting breeds do suffer from Exercise Induced Collapse, which may look like a seizure, and definitely involves the heart function.
Hi Terry :)

Thanks for your feedback, Im learning as I go it seems. This is a good thing for me and gives me more info to keep filed and use to watch Marble. Im not new to dogs but this is a new symptom to me.

My old GSD had a genetic disorder where he lost all his toenails and only after doing a search on the internet did I find the problem. I "encoraged" my vet strongly to run a test on the nails and it proved I was right. Happens in 1 and a million dogs, Lucky Phantom huh? but he lived to a ripe old age of 12 yrs. All critters deserve a chance<br /><br />__________ Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:19 am __________<br /><br />Marble had another seizer so we are going to the vet for a super check up . whats interesting is when he does have one it affects his front left. This one happened during the night when he was in bed with me so no bug bite or sting....... this is a curiouser but scary