We are looking for Satins mostly- I put Rex also to give Skymya more options, in case her girls were set on a color I don't have or she liked someone's stock better than mine. I'm still on for our bunny swap, but thought your litter would still be too young, and figured you would probably want to keep all of your first does to start building your herd. I know I would!
They will be coming up on Friday, so we will let everyone know how things turn out.
Our ideal dream scenario for the Satins would be 2 does bred to different bucks, and two bucks. Possibly a couple of young junior does as well. (Slightly modified Bob Bennet plan for starting a herd, since we would each start with 1/2 of the "starter pack" because we are close enough to exchange stock and buck services to begin with.) That way we will have 4 buck lines to work with.