Seed Store Fun

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2013
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I now have a 5/5/5 lb. mix of grain rye, whole wheat, and oats for my rabbits to eat chilling in the freezer to get rid of moths and other bugs. Excited to put enough for my buns soaking to get some nice germinated feed to switch over to. :p

In other news, the seed store I found? It's amazing. It has EVERYTHING. Even alfalfa seeds. Pretty sure I'm going to try to grow some stuff after the latest round of kits are sold. Any suggestions? Like I said, they have everything. All sorts of grain, grass, legume, etc. :D I'm in heaven. I think the store has probably been around since before the horse rack turned into a sight hound track. :shock:

They also had a neat weed checker wherein I was able to find out one weed I HATE in my garden is in fact poisonous and called spurge. Good on me for following the sap rule of thumb and not feeding it to my buns. I figured out the plant I thought was Virginia creeper is in fact Virginia creeper and not cinquefoil (darn!). I also have a budding (ahahaha, right?) idea on what the weird plant that grows everywhere water stands (my yard isn't flat). Dollarweed/pennywort. Not sure what kind. The leaves are confusing me, but it's somewhere between pennywort (smooth-edged, fully round) and creeping charlie (rippled, less than a full circle). Help? I'll try to get some photos tomorrow.

All in all? Fun day involving the rabbits, gardening, and exploring new parts of my neighborhood. Unrelated news: Popple watch for Primrose the Mini Rex and Anwen the American Sable, guys! Put in their nest boxes today. :D Squee.

Let's hope my luck holds, eh?
Dollarweed (Hydrocotyle spp.) also comes in scalloped edges. I don't know that I've ever seen it with smooth edges, actually. Rabbits love them.

If you have dollarweed in the wet areas of your yard, chances are you have another bunny favorite, Pony's Foot (Dichondra spp.).

Both are also used as salad greens. :)

Congrats on the awesome seed store! :p You will have the rest of us green with envy for this find!
Yep, both of those look familiar. I guess I'll do a trial run. Fiona the spay has her uses. XD Thanks for the assistance!

Maybe they'll luck out and get a random flier in the mail and be like, "What?! Where have you been for the past four months, feed and seed store? Hiding from me?" XD
Oh I wish we had a feed and seed like that here. The only place I knew that sold whole wheat to grow fodder from had their wheat silo collapse . No wheat indefinitely .
Universal Seed and Supply in Birmingham, AL. :)

XD I suppose so. I'm just glad my luck is turning around in general. The rabbitry has always done pretty well except for Anwen's lost litter and brief sickness, but everything else seems to be doing well also.

Can't wait to start a fall/winter garden. I wish I could get a few hens for the backyard, but I suppose I'm going to have to wait with the combination of housemates, housemate's dog, and the "lawn lions" that have felled birds. -shrugs- But rabbits and end of season foraging and gardening! :D So awesome.
-pets Frecs- Sorry. But if anyone comes through Birmingham, they should load up. XD