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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2011
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for the perfect color, look, type, attitude for my daughters rabbit.......................................... Free
Gas and Food to drive to rabbit show 3-4 hours away.......................................................... $100
Finding that perfect Rabbit at the show...................................................................... $ 65
Going home to show her and have her tell you she likes the little pet quality that we already had better..... Priceless

LOL, she had finally decided on a chocolate rabbit... So we went to go pick up our blue doe and a friend of that lady had a BEAUTIFUL chocolate buck for sale, so we got him, brought him home and she said she liked him and after two days she asked if she could have Brier as her own instead. She said that she just liked her better. :roll: It didn't matter to me, pretty funny really. It actually turned out well because we have a super good looking buck now.

I will try to get pics today of both rabbits... Bella(may get a name change) is our hopefully bred blue doe... and then the chocolate was named Mocha Latte and we changed it to Bentley(he is registered, so Mocha Latte is there for good, but he is known as Bentley here)
Kids are so unpredictable! That's too funny! :lol:
had something similar happen here. Bought a rabbit with no DQs to show and picked up the second for $5 - that was obviously a runt.

DD ADORES the little guy and has no interest in the show bunny.
LOL, that's a cute story.

Chocolate and blue could eventually give you lilacs, right? I love all three colors.