Scarlett's Trio

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2012
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My Satin doe had 9 babies 9 days ago. 2 were dead when I found them, and I think she was not producing enough milk and the others died kind of one at a time :( Luckily these babies ARE looking pretty good, the white one is the smallest and I would like for it to be a little more.. robust-looking? But it's getting better I think.
I also have a MONSTER KIT :shock: I don't know if the others are super small, or it's super big! But the big kit is "a handful"


Love the sheen! But I see what you mean about their size... mine are 5 days old right now and they all look like the "monster" in your photo. (of course I don't know the scale tho)

I'd love to get a satin in the future...
I love my Satins :) I'd like to get more

The big kit is maybe 4-5 inches long? from nose to tail if its not stretching out. I'm not sure exactly. I'll have to take a pic with some objects to show size haha
Satins are on my want list! I talked to a satin breeder at the show this summer, I forgot to get her number so I could get one. Love the reds!

I hope the trio do well from now on, that monster kit looks nice and plump :)
So they'll be two weeks tomorrow. The biggest one opened his(?) eyes the other day, and this morning he was in his dad's cage, instead of his mom's! :shock: Adventurous little bun! I should have taken a picture. He was sitting right next to Rhett at the food dish.