Scab/Blackness near scrotum

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New member
Oct 17, 2013
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Boston, MA
While grooming my bunny's matted hair today, we noticed around his genitals what looked like a scab and it is protruding out of skin (what i'm assuming to be his scrotum). My bunny was neutered about a year ago but we haven't noticed this before. Any idea what it could be while we're waiting to go to a vet?
Is it just to the side of his penis area? Does he have it on both sides? It is likely the glands down there are full and need to be cleaned out.
Hi - my rabbit has this exact same thing so I'd be very interested to learn more.

Are they glands and how do you clean them please.

:welcome: Dixonbunny!

There are glands on either side of the genitals of both male and female rabbits. The material can vary in color, from a light yellowish color to very dark. I believe it gets darker and firmer the older it gets, but that is just a guess since I don't check mine very often.

Just moisten a cotton swab with a little warm water and scoop it out of the pockets.