Backstory... we got some rexes and satins from a show. My mom and I live on the same property and work together on our different projects. I claimed the rexes, she claimed the satins. She was soooo excited about those satins... two were old girls who were no longer able to breed, two were young girls, and one was an adorable chunky buck. One of the younger girls was a broken blue. Mom *loves* broken blue and she was stoked for her first litter from her. Both girls were bred on the same day.
The broken blue died two weeks into her pregnancy. She just refused to eat or drink and she wilted away. Mom was devastated. The other satin girl was a nightmare as well...
She was due March 21. No babies. Morning of March 22, Mom finds one single chunky baby... dead on the wire. That struck me as odd, so just in case, I gave her a ton of hay in and out of her nest box. She had it all that night untouched. Next morning, I find all of her hay- literally ALL of it- thrown outside of her cage like she stomped and shoved it all out, replaced it with a little bit of fur, and found one dead baby on the wire. I didn't want to take any chances, so I crammed more hay inside. Sure enough, that noon, I found EIGHT MORE BABIES. Only 3 were alive... two were DECOMPOSED
One was mildy deformed with a front leg fused to its body so it couldn't use it.
The other three only lived a couple of days. The runt died yesterday, the other two died last night. I didn't expect the runt or the white baby to live because they never nursed, but the blue looked so good!! I placed them with my rex girl who birthed the day after the satin to foster. Poor baby really tried with them. The blue was definitely fed, but it crawled to the very bottom of the nest box and just chilled to death. I think my poor girl knew too, she coated that nest in 6 inches of fur all over in and out of the nest box...I am surprised she's not bald with all the fur-splosions she has had these past few days.
We bred the satin girl again yesterday... I wish I knew what caused this. We have never had complications like this before. The rexes we got with the satins are doing wonderfully(the foster mom was one of them, in fact). I doubt it was due to their upbringing. Poor adjustment, maybe?
The broken blue died two weeks into her pregnancy. She just refused to eat or drink and she wilted away. Mom was devastated. The other satin girl was a nightmare as well...
She was due March 21. No babies. Morning of March 22, Mom finds one single chunky baby... dead on the wire. That struck me as odd, so just in case, I gave her a ton of hay in and out of her nest box. She had it all that night untouched. Next morning, I find all of her hay- literally ALL of it- thrown outside of her cage like she stomped and shoved it all out, replaced it with a little bit of fur, and found one dead baby on the wire. I didn't want to take any chances, so I crammed more hay inside. Sure enough, that noon, I found EIGHT MORE BABIES. Only 3 were alive... two were DECOMPOSED
The other three only lived a couple of days. The runt died yesterday, the other two died last night. I didn't expect the runt or the white baby to live because they never nursed, but the blue looked so good!! I placed them with my rex girl who birthed the day after the satin to foster. Poor baby really tried with them. The blue was definitely fed, but it crawled to the very bottom of the nest box and just chilled to death. I think my poor girl knew too, she coated that nest in 6 inches of fur all over in and out of the nest box...I am surprised she's not bald with all the fur-splosions she has had these past few days.
We bred the satin girl again yesterday... I wish I knew what caused this. We have never had complications like this before. The rexes we got with the satins are doing wonderfully(the foster mom was one of them, in fact). I doubt it was due to their upbringing. Poor adjustment, maybe?