Salut from BC!

Rabbit Talk  Forum

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Feb 1, 2024
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Hey folks! I live on Vancouver Island and I started raising rabbits for meat from a breeding pair I picked up in Jan 2023, and now I've got 4 does and that original buck all doing what they do best (making babies, making messes with their hay, and pooping). I've been lurking RabbitTalk for a while as I learned how to deal with the buns and you all have been an incredibly valuable resource! I've also been learning to tan hides that I eventually want to use to make blankets, mittens, hats, etc (though I probably need to learn to sew first...). Glad to be here and looking forward to continually learning more from everybody!
Hey folks! I live on Vancouver Island and I started raising rabbits for meat from a breeding pair I picked up in Jan 2023, and now I've got 4 does and that original buck all doing what they do best (making babies, making messesth their hay, and pooping). I've been lurking RabbitTalk for a while as I learned how to deal with the buns and you all have been an incredibly valuable resource! I've also been learning to tan hides that I eventually want to use to make blankets, mittens, hats, etc (though I probably need to learn to sew first...). Glad to be here and looking forward to continually learning more from everybody!
Welcome! This is a good group. They have been very helpful in our rabbit journey. Have fun