Salt Rocks

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I bought some salt 'rolls' for my 2 bucks and they have yet to touch them. Like you said, maybe they will when it gets warmer out. Of course the ones I bought didn't have the minerals in them either, so maybe that's the difference?
lereg15":yewvzbqe said:
I bought some salt 'rolls' for my 2 bucks and they have yet to touch them. Like you said, maybe they will when it gets warmer out. Of course the ones I bought didn't have the minerals in them either, so maybe that's the difference?

I'm not sure. I gave a mineral disk, the kind you hang on the cage wall, to each of the adult buns and they have licked at them some... but they seem more interested in the chunks of salt. I figure they can't hurt either way... it's there if they want it. :)
I did some research (ebay, google) and it's a good price. Worst case, if the buns don't care for them, grind them up and put them on the table ;)
alforddm":2xe06cna said:
Zass, were did you order those himalayan salt rocks? Those seem really nice.

That's what these are... not sure if it says that but they are.
8lbs for $11 is a pretty good price. Might be able to get it cheaper if you are willing to break the rocks up yourself, but then the shipping cost will get you. :p
I like the ones Zass ordered they are on a rope. I found the thread. post256705.html?hilit=himalayan%20salt#p256705

I plan to order some as soon as my goat block is out. I tried just putting pieces in a tuna can but they knock them over and it gets everywhere. I thought about drilling holes myself but I have a feeling hubby would frown on my using his Dewalt cordless drill on salt. :lol:
alforddm":fsdexgck said:
I like the ones Zass ordered they are on a rope. I found the thread. post256705.html?hilit=himalayan%20salt#p256705

I plan to order some as soon as my goat block is out. I tried just putting pieces in a tuna can but they knock them over and it gets everywhere. I thought about drilling holes myself but I have a feeling hubby would frown on my using his Dewalt cordless drill on salt. :lol:

Those are nice but I THINK the ones in the plastic tub are less expensive. Of course, they don't come pre-drilled, but honestly my bunnies don't seem to mind them being on the cage floor. It's an extra toy for them to push around and a tasty treat. I haven't had any issue (so far) with them peeing on it, but I understand they can be rinsed off if necessary. :)
alforddm":2dofcmk4 said:
I thought about drilling holes myself but I have a feeling hubby would frown on my using his Dewalt cordless drill on salt. :lol:

Ummm... yeah. Don't do that!

I buy the 50lb red mineral blocks for livestock, and being a bit of a perfectionist, I wanted nice rectangular blocks- so used Hub's Skil-saw- he was NOT pleased since I basically ruined it. :x :oops: :x

alforddm":2dofcmk4 said:
I like the ones Zass ordered they are on a rope.

I like those too. I actually want to contact the company and see if I can order some that are only about 1/2" wide at the point they are drilled so I can add them to my Critterz Chewzit toys. Having the wood chew behind the salt will keep it from damaging the cage wire.

Susie570":2dofcmk4 said:
honestly my bunnies don't seem to mind them being on the cage floor.

My salt is just on the cage floor also, but we live in a dry climate. People in areas with high humidity can't so that because the salt rusts the wire.

A note of caution; if you have water crocks, the rabbits will sometimes put the salt in there. With the red blocks, it is obvious, but the Himalayan salt probably wouldn't be too visible when dissolved, so if you notice a rabbit is not drinking, check the water for saltiness.
I think the price Susie got was a bit better too, since I had to pay for flat rate shipping since salt is heavy.

My rabbits ate the cords strait away and I had to use wire to hang them, but other than that, I've been pretty happy with them and yeah, some rabbits really do seem to like them.

They are quite pretty, and I think they would make nice additions to toys.
Himalayan salt doesn't just dissolve away in water. You'd probably still find some 24hrs later. I've washed and scrubbed pieces after they fell from their rope to my solid bottom cages. Barely had anything come off them.
MamaSheepdog":1j5e5yxd said:
I actually want to contact the company and see if I can order some that are only about 1/2" wide at the point they are drilled so I can add them to my Critterz Chewzit toys. Having the wood chew behind the salt will keep it from damaging the cage wire.

Nice idea!! hmm, I wonder what other options there might be for attaching them to the toys?

MamaSheepdog":1j5e5yxd said:
Susie570":1j5e5yxd said:
honestly my bunnies don't seem to mind them being on the cage floor.

My salt is just on the cage floor also, but we live in a dry climate. People in areas with high humidity can't so that because the salt rusts the wire.

A note of caution; if you have water crocks, the rabbits will sometimes put the salt in there. With the red blocks, it is obvious, but the Himalayan salt probably wouldn't be too visible when dissolved, so if you notice a rabbit is not drinking, check the water for saltiness.

Nice information! We actually do live in a pretty humid climate, so I guess I'll need to keep an eye on that. :p None of my rabbits have water crocks (at least not all the time, sometimes they have one for a little while), but I'll keep an eye on that possibility as well. So far I haven't seen any of the buns actually picking up the chunks. I think they're large enough to discourage that, but they do shove them around with their noses. If I have trouble with the wire thing, I might consider just putting the salt block in a small crock instead of hanging it. It's in the experimental stage right now. :)
If you are not feeding a pelleted Rabbit feed, It may be possible that
a Salt block might be necessary. In most cases I find a salt block an unnecessary evil.
Rabbits will sometimes come down with "Salt Poisoning". Too much of anything is a
Bad thing. Always practice caution with everything you do.
As always, JMPO.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
ottersatin":1ud48sec said:
If you are not feeding a pelleted Rabbit feed, It may be possible that
a Salt block might be necessary. In most cases I find a salt block an unnecessary evil.
Rabbits will sometimes come down with "Salt Poisoning". Too much of anything is a
Bad thing. Always practice caution with everything you do.
As always, JMPO.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:

I do feed pellets (and hay and some greens) but the buns seem to like a little salt as well. Have you ever experienced a rabbit taking in too much salt? They don't seem to pay a LOT of attention to the salt licks.
In chinchillas it actually causes seizures. I have never had a rabbit take too much but I use the himalayan blocks which a higher mineral content than commercially formed blocks and like I said they don't just dissolve in water. It takes more effort to get the salt and they are probably more satisified with the amount and variety of minerals they get compared to the artificial blocks. Those red mineral blocks are like 95-99% salt. Himalayan blocks are much less ... lysis.html

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