Rough Rice

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Jun 1, 2012
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Just West of Memphis, TN
This is one of those questions were I have only a glimmer of hope that someone has an answer :)

1000 pounds of rough rice (and a little milo) landed in the back of my truck - I've been reading where rabbit raisers in Asia have used Rough Rice (non processed with hulls) as a supplement to green feeds with success but it's not a common feed because of cost/availability. That said, I was curious if anyone has some experience with feeding rice to rabbits? From what I can tell it's similar in nutrition to oats (rice has more carbs, calories and a higher glycemic index)

I may try to sprout it for fodder - anyone ever sprouted rice? I fear it may be a slow to start grain and rot before I get results.
You've probably already seen this link, but I'll post it anyway for the benefit of all.

I know little about sprouting rice, but don't the paddies have to be flooded and then drained for the rice to sprout? So growing fodder or at least sprouted rice might be easier than you think.

Good luck with this... and please post updates so we know how it goes. :)
when they plant rice here they don't flood it until it's up for about a month. Once it's 'knee high' the field is flooded and stays that way until it's near harvest (late August/September) then it dries out for a few weeks before being cut - it leaves a bunch of dry Straw in the field and I like to collect it for nesting material when I can.

I may try to start a little just to see how long it takes to sprout :)
an update on sprouting rice - OH MY GOODNESS rice drinks up so much water! :lol: I soaked the grain for 24 hours starting the 3rd and then put it in a pan to rinse and drain everyday- I've come to figure out that I need to leave more water in the pan than other seeds. I've got little white shoots as of yesterday, If you don't look carefully you'd miss them completely! I was afraid of mildew or rot but there is no sign of sourness at all the rice still smells very fresh. Hope to see some green soon!
I have little green shoots - but this sprouting is amazingly slow - I don't know if this is the nature of rice or if it's something I'm not doing - maybe my house is too cool? too many seeds in my container?

Sometimes the water smells a bit now - I wouldn't say sour or mildew but just not very fresh.

I have enough to play with for a while so I'll be trying again. In the mean time my chickens are enjoying the new kind of scratch!
I rescued some sprouting wheat that had a few small patches of mould. I removed the visibly affected parts and splashed a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide over the tray. Left it a couple of minutes, added water and rinsed it all well after it had been sitting a few minutes. No further problems with that tray.

I'm not saying it is a cure-all for mould on sprouts, but it seemed to work that time.
My hungry doe looking for food helped herself to some black & mahogany rice. The grocery bag was on the kitchen floor when she was looking for food. Her bowl was empty. She a mother of 13 day old kits and is pigging out.

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