REW color question

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Well-known member
May 26, 2012
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Ok, so I know that a REW is genetically a color being covered by a "white sheet". This might be a silly question but since a REW is cc they can't be a shaded correct? :? I think I have some REWs out of my Broken Smoke Pearl and my Black Himi. Could I use those REWs in my agouti breeding program to try to get some selfs or would that be a no no since they're out of shadeds? Thanks for any help here. For some reason this never crossed my mind before! LOL :roll:
Your rews will be "genetically" whatever the parents were able to give them. So if the parents are shaded then the rews most likely will be shadeds. Any colour genetic pattern can be present, the only thing different is the 2 small "c"'s. Sometimes rews can be a crapshoot when working with colour until you know exactly what they are genetically.
I understand that, but I'm thinking the "cc's" remove the shaded part, since it's the c gene that determines if they're shaded...does that make any sense?
No the rew will not be shaded because the c gene is on the same locus as the shaded genes so it carries none. The rew will throw whatever is under the shaded parents. Your smoke pearl will contribute blue and all the offspring will be black if the himi doesn't carry blue or blue and black if it does.

You can get shadeds but it would be the other rabbit carrying the shaded gene combining with the rew so if you know your agouti line does not carry shaded you will never see it.
Thank you Akane! That's exactly what I was thinking. So, I could use those REWs in my agouti program. I'd love to get some blues or blacks. My himi does carry dilute so blues would be possible. I'm pretty sure my agoutis do not carry shaded...if they did would I get shaded agoutis possibly? Those would look weird, and would obviously be unshowable. Interesting to know...
They are called shagoutis and if the line is strong in agouti with little self and other colors thrown in it's highly unlikely you'll see it since it is not showable and considered ugly by some. They are careful not to breed shaded into agouti lines but if your lines have other things mixed in surprises can always happen even from off the pedigree. I've had 10 generation pedigrees not show me something simple like chocolate being in the line.
I think I'll give it a shot. It'll show me some things at the very worst. It's amazing that you found chocolate after it hiding for 10 generations. That's why I love genetics...just too cool.

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