Repeating a Specific Breeding....

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Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Utica, NY vicinity
I put this post in this area, in hopes that others that show might offer ideas....

Have You... Would You, repeat a specific breeding ???

We have had some litters that seem to be exceptional ( in my opinion). Breed winners, Championships earned... overall really Nice rabbits. Part of me wants to repeat the breedings that did so well. But space is somewhat limited so i need to plan wisely.

What would be the reasons You might repeat a breeding ??? or why would You not ??? Does Repeating a specific breeding accomplish anything in the grand scheme of life ???? Or would most of the 'Repeats' be sold to other breeders, based on the reputation of their Older siblings ??

( just sitting and overthinking .... again.... :pancake: )
You go with what is better than what you've got, if those litters were an improvement then go with it unless you've got another avenue to explore. In any event, keep notes so you can do it later if you want :)
I would follow the old saying of "if it ain't broke don't fix". I believe that repeat breeding is the basis of line breeding which all good seasoned breeders do. Of coarse one of the second steps to line breeding and to eliminate or reduce the faults. To do this you breed siblings to each other(preferred) or back to the parent(second best option).
Probably, especially since I only have so many rabbits, it gonna happen. But I discovered recently that I can't always count on the repeat. My breeder got two colors that I have never been able to reproduce, although she bred the doe to the same buck for me as well. Then she repeated another breeding that produced some kits that have BOV at shows. I culled 8 of 9 of my repeat litter, and was given the advice to never repeat that combination again (and rightly so considering what the kits looked like). And the 9th one is not all that great either.
If the offspring are an improvement over the parents you might be better off breeding daughter to father or son to mother instead. See if you can concentrate those good genetics just a little bit more. Otherwise repeat breedings of good outcomes are great for getting a wider genetic base to breed from and some to sell to help pay the feed bills. You just might end up with something even better than what you got the last time.
repeat breedings?

If it fits my needs and goals of course I'd do it.

that said: I do not repeat failed breedings. For instance if I have a doe/buck combination that gives me genetically inferior animals (bad teeth, poor body builds, lousy immunity) I don't try that combination again.

I try to look long term. If I breed buck a to doe b and I know have a strong chance to get top line rabbits....who will I breed the offspring too? If I have NO ONE I can breed any keepers to, is there a point to do it?
I would repeat a breeding... always have a backup!! You never know whats going to happen, and if you have the golden combination then keep at it! The does breeding life- cycle isn`t that long anyways. Later on when the kits are older you have a lot more choices as to how you will continue with their breeding choices. You can then linebreed or in- breed or use the original buck again..