Reluctant does.

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
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western washington
I think I am getting to be a bit of an expert on breeding older panicky first time does who refuse the buck....I know all the nutritional means to encourage breeding (greens, ACV, not too fat), but when the owner brings you a doe for stud service, and you have one day to give it your best shot, the difficulty is a bit different. I am fortunate to have a gentle buck, who, when the doe is being extra difficult, just turns and looks at me like "Fix her, please. I can't reach." :lol:

He and I are getting to be a team, we sort the girl into a corner and I have to cock her hip back to get her to lift the first time...I would feel like I was abusing them if they didn't seem so calm after. :oops:

It is like they are saying,"Oh, THAT'S all? Ok, then." I swear they are convinced he wants to kill them at first or something. Today's doe is about 2 years old and has never been bred. She was growling at everybody at first, but now she is calm and mellow. :roll:

Anybody else go thru this or am I the only crazy one?
The problem appears to be, that they waited too long to breed her.
She was reluctant because she had not been bred when she was ready
so she had decided to shut down the system.
You'd be cranky too if you, well I guess I can't go there! :whistle:
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Yeah, they thought she was a buck...until she developed a dewlap and an attitude. I want babies out of her mom, she was just a tagalong...

I did check--she is not a buck!<br /><br />__________ Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:18 pm __________<br /><br />Well she has it all figured out now, put her in for a second round and she lifted for him right away. Whew. What a day!!
I had one like that. I put her in a cage next to the buck who liberally sprayed everything in sight. In a couple of hours she was trying to get through the wire to get at him. Animals march to a different drummer than we do. That spraying has a purpose.