Chocolate? Did I hear Chocolate? My favorite!!!!
so the alphabet soup of rabbit colors is one of my favorite topics to daydream about
A for agouti [dominant] AA or Aa gives you castor or opal when paired with the black gene, Amber or lynx when paired with the brown genes[also other things like chinchilla, but more on that another time]
a for self [recessive] aa gives you black or blue with the B gene, chocolate or lilac with the bb genes
B for black [dominant] BB of Bb
b for brown [recessive] bb
then we move in to the full color C gene or
Cchd dark chin
Cchm meduim chin
Cchl light chin
Ch hemi
c albino
D for intense color DD or Dd: castor, black, chocolate, amber
dd for dilute color: blue, opal, lynx, lilac
So that's a quick answer about chocolate. the color is NOT dilute but a dilute chocolate [self aa] is the lilac colored rabbit. another dilute chocolate color is lynx. that is when is it paired with the A gene for agouti.