Red Neck Rabbit wringer

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2011
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North Carolina it is and I have another one real cheap! :p
I can't believe how well this worked. I had to secure with the nails, and wow! Just so easy. My daughter had to sprain her ankle, but this has a new life..
I should patent this and call it the crutch cruncher. Neck brace,.... any suggestions.

Hope you don't mind, Currituckbun, but I fixed the image link in your post so we can see a full-sized shot by clicking on it. Only a thumbnail was displaying before and I, for one, could not make out any detail.

That is clever... and it really works well, eh? Can you give us some instructions to go with the picture?
Using a crutch to permanently disable a rabbit- ingenious! The irony is killing me.
Do you stick their heads through the wide space and slide them to the narrow part and pull? We've only used a gun on our buns, but if we could save a bullet I am willing to try other methods!
Oh, My!!! I have plenty of THOSE available!! What can a person do with a spare walker or cane? Gosh, my knee immobilizer could be used as one of those funnels for poultry processing!!!
How funny! :lol: Great idea. My husband's been wanting to make one of his own. Gotta love the red neck ways.
I my! I could totally use that idea! We have spare crutches around here. I can't believe I've never thought of it before.
Thanks. I was looking for a broom to try the broomstick method and I came across the crutches and thought I would use the part you put your arm pit on to put across the back of the rabbit's neck and just pull up. While walking back to the barn looked at the shape of the v and thought wow that looks just like the rabbit wringer.
My husband has a shelf attached to the back of the barn with some heavy long boards on it. I just sandwiched the crutch in and gave it a try. I added the nails because it slipped when I did the first rabbit.
To use it you put the head of the rabbit into the wide part and slide into the narrow v and pull down and kind of out towards you. I got better at it as I went along and it works about the same as the ringer I have seen on Youtube.
I am so glad I could not find the thin handled broom!
I will film it next month and put the link to Youtube If that is okay to do on here.
Good luck to all the new crutch users. This is one crutch I am proud to say I have :mrgreen:
It is perfectly acceptable to post a YouTube video with instructional material for the safe and humane killing of rabbits for meat. I know I can rely on you to avoid any drama or unduly controversial commentary. :)
Sometimes videos like this get removed from Youtube because they get flagged as offensive. Is there a safe place where she could upload it, or just hope it stays up on YT?
posting it as adult only helps with the offensive category. :) OR put it as not open for public viewing (aka have to follow a link to go to it kinda thing).
i would think that a video like that would have alot better chance of staying up if there was a warning first before like warning this video shows a animal getting butchered or whatever before to make sure watchers know what they are getting into before they see it

The next freezer camp day is in 3 weeks. I should have some footage then. Trouble is my tech helper(17 year old daughter) is not on board with the whole rabbit thing.
Oh and I had to put this in. I just found it on here. :crutch:
There really is one for every occasion. ;)
many rabbit slaughter video are already on youtube... usually just have to sign in though to see them if they get flagged as potentially offensive