Record Keeping

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My brain & memory 😁
No but really, since I'm not breeding tons of rabbits I can remember the Kits and Parents of rabbits I've bred and might even be able to remember them in chronological order

I do write their birthdays, bred dates, and due dates on the calendar though
I use the calendar on my computer or printables. I also have an app that you can write down everything! and print and make your own pedigrees! I haven't tried it yet but I'm excited to. The downside to this app is that its not cheap.
I use the calendar on my computer or printables. I also have an app that you can write down everything! and print and make your own pedigrees! I haven't tried it yet but I'm excited to. The downside to this app is that its not cheap.
I found this app called Breed Smart. It is free and you can do any species of animal and print out pedigrees as well!
You are going to laugh, but I use Kintrax, Who's Due, a Spreadsheet, and Everbreed. I know it is over kill, but I need back ups for my back ups. With Who's Due, Everbreed and the spreadsheet I can get the information I need from anywhere. Kintrax we have on my laptop and we use that to keep track of the various livestock we have ie sheep, chickens, turkeys, rabbits....

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