Record keeping method

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I use a spreadsheet with different pages for each doe. The bucks are all in the same page. I keep track of the litters the does have, the weights, the ages, any changes in health, etc. The first page has an overview with how many rabbits I currently have, which doe is next due for kindling, the next upcoming butcher date, and how many litters I've raised total. I like it more than tracking in a notebook because I can have it auto-populate fields. If I put in the breed date of a doe, it spits back expected due date, when is the date that she's not pregnant if she hadn't yet kindled, when to put in the nesting box, when to wean, when she can be rebred, when to process her kits, etc. You can do a lot with spreadsheets and customize it to suit your needs ☺
What does everyone use for record keeping? Is there a notebook with a good layout or a favorite app that doesn't crash all the time? I have 11 does and 2 bucks
I usually am really bad at record keeping but the few times I’d k remember to write stuff down I like to use these templates
Rabbitry Records I also add in one of my own for Heath checks
I have a big chalk board where I write down when the Does were bred, the pairs, and the due dates
I use a spreadsheet with different pages for each doe. The bucks are all in the same page. I keep track of the litters the does have, the weights, the ages, any changes in health, etc. The first page has an overview with how many rabbits I currently have, which doe is next due for kindling, the next upcoming butcher date, and how many litters I've raised total. I like it more than tracking in a notebook because I can have it auto-populate fields. If I put in the breed date of a doe, it spits back expected due date, when is the date that she's not pregnant if she hadn't yet kindled, when to put in the nesting box, when to wean, when she can be rebred, when to process her kits, etc. You can do a lot with spreadsheets and customize it to suit your needs ☺
Are you open to sharing screenshots or templates of your spreadsheets?
I use Hutch/Everbreed and it's not free but not too expensive and you get reminders about when to add the nest box, due dates, etc and if you pay a little more you can get access to the financial tracker too but I just use an excel spreadsheet for that. With hutch you can also keep track of mortality rates, weight gain, and the number of kits each doe produces. There's also an area for butchering. I will also normally keep tags on the cages with name, breed, and date they are bred and to which buck.

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