The does need to be young, resilient and in good health to keep up with a breeding routine like that. Breed when her kits are four weeks, wean two weeks later (when kits are 6 weeks - keep them on your property another two weeks if you plan to sell them, since you cant sell kits under 8 weeks ), she gets a 2 week break, then has her next litter. I've not done it more than once in row, but it all depends on the line. See how your doe is looking at 4 weeks - if she is looking ragged and skinny still, might want to wait a bit. If you do end up breeding at 4 weeks, when the next litter reaches four weeks, if your doe is in worse condition than she was the first time, give her some times to rest before breeding again.
Note - I've done this with Himalayans only, not any meat breeds