? re growing and feeding borage

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Oct 4, 2014
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central New York
The few borage plants I started this spring are very large now and sprawling and blooming in my herb garden. I've saved some of the seed to plant somewhere else next spring but lots of it fell before I got to it. Mostly I fed borage leaves to recently kindled does and they ate it first out of the mix of foraged greens. I stopped feeding it once the plants were blooming--the leaves get smaller as the plants get taller and I wondered if they were less nutritious once the energy is going into flowers. But I notice that Maggie's list says "above ground parts" for borage and wonder if I could feed the stalks with leaves and flowers. Anyone here do that?

And for growing it next year--I find it rather aggressive for my herb garden. Would it be able to hold its own in a mixed growth for rabbits patch with clover, chicory, wild carrot etc? Or does it really need a garden space?
Rainey":3fm9ebsl said:
I wondered if they were less nutritious once the energy is going into flowers. But I notice that Maggie's list says "above ground parts" for borage and wonder if I could feed the stalks with leaves and flowers. Anyone here do that?

I don't know about the nutritional value, but I have fed all parts.

Rainey":3fm9ebsl said:
Would it be able to hold its own in a mixed growth for rabbits patch with clover, chicory, wild carrot etc?

I think it would do fine.
I was planning to throw borage out in my edible wildflowers section. Provided you aren't growing anything too aggressive it should do fine.