Rattlesnake Bite!

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
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Chase, my JRT, got bitten by a rattlesnake in his right foreleg yesterday evening. :x Hubs had been weedwhacking, and was working on the neighbor's side of the fence. They have a little "party barn" and we think the snake was under that. The kids found Chase lying by the gate and carried him home.

He was in shock, very cold, eyes glazed- I thought he was a goner. :cry: We gave him 3 Benadryl in a a ball of cheese, called my friend who is a large animal vet, who recommended 3cc's of Dexamethasone, which our neighbor has on hand for treating his horses and donkeys in case of snakebite, so I dosed him with that and he improved dramatically- his eyes cleared and he became more aware. We warmed him up with towels and an electric lap throw. Sometime during the night he got up and laid under our bed.

He came out briefly this morning and I carried him to the water bowl where he drank quite a bit of water. The swelling has gone down somewhat on his paw, but his upper leg is still very swollen, and he has edema on his chest now. He made his way back under the bed, and I tried to get him to take 2 more Benadryl, but he wouldn't eat the cheese. I don't want to drag him out and force them down his throat, but I will have to if he doesn't come out on his own soon.

I am going to call the vet back around 8:00- we are going to be putting him on SMZ's, but other than that I am not sure what he will prescribe for him. Poor Chase looks pretty miserable, but at least he made it through the night.
Oh, no!!! Wow, I'm surprised there's anything you could do! I would have thought he was a goner, as well! Praying he makes full recovery.
Thanks, guys.

Luckily I had access to the Dex. Recently another dog was bitten here, and the people took it to the vet to be treated. It cost them nearly $2000... much as I love Chase, I can't justify spending that much money to save him. I hope that he will keep his distance from them in the future (if he recovers), but with a Jack Russell, you never know. He did have a rattlesnake vaccine in the past, but I haven't given them on a yearly basis- I guess I better get on the ball and do so. Levi and Basil haven't had one at all.
I think he will make it. The problem is there will probably be necrotic tissue that needs to be debrided. Not sure how I'll manage that. Chase is not the ideal patient- he gets nervous when I clean his ears or trim his nails.

I had a 25 lb mutt get bit on the face by a rattler one time when i was camped out mining for gold. she got bit 25 ft outside of camp ,the big dogs were barking at something ,she went out there to deal with it for them, came back to me imediatly and sat in front of me. The fang marks were about 7/8 inch apart, and the hair was taken off where the venom ran down her face, thats how i noticed what happen as fast as i did.

seven miles to the first town where i called the vet that was another seven miles away in the next town on sunday, he said he would meet me at his office, he was there ,opened the and took my dog and said to come back tomarrow afternoon. By time i had gotten there ,, she had swelling under her neck, venomous blood that had to be drained.

next day i picked her up, he said he spent the night draining that venomous blood ever couple hours.Took her back to camp, she was in pain,chest swollen, mostly just stood head hanging down ,she gathered up rib bones a rubber ball and a feather she had hidden around the camp and layed down.stayed there the next day, the third afternoon, she came unglued on one of the big dogs that was sniffing around her. all teeth and snarles after it , then turned on the other dog, kids came back to camp, she turn toward one of the kids, i grabbed my gun.

She was afraid of guns, turned and went into the brush , hour later she came back, and was pretty much fine after that, a little slow moving for another day.

But fourth day, she was out there either looking for that snake or trying to figure out what happen., the hair never grew back where she was bit. It apeared to be a very painful experience for her.

Im betting your dog will make it through this.Will pray that she does.
Going to the vet- his chest is turning blue, traveling toward his groin.
MamaSheepdog":1m1q73ry said:
Going to the vet- his chest is turning blue, traveling toward his groin.

The thing with rattlesnake venom is that is a hemotoxin, so it destroys red blood cells, causing clotting issues and muscle necrosis or death. Not pretty. I hope they can do something to help....
Oh no!! I'm so sorry, this is just awful! I'm sending thoughts and prayers that Chase will be ok.
OMG !!!! Crossing all possible appendages for both you and the dog what a horrible thing to have happen
Well, when I saw that he was hemolytic, I knew he was doomed. :cry: By the time I got him to the vet (an hour away), the blue/black had progressed almost to his penis. His prognosis was very poor, even if we'd given him anti-venom (2 injections at $715.00 each) and supportive care he likely would not have made it. The estimate for treatment was $1500- $3750. I chose to have him put down. Queenpup and Colliepup were there, and were able to say goodbye, and Queenpup and I stayed while he got the injection to end his pain.

I am crushed... who will I babytalk to now? Who will sleep at my feet? Who will I ask "Who is the best little dog in the world? It must be Chasie-woo! Mumsy wuvs him da most, yes I do-o!" :weep:

The snake that killed him is now dead and hanging from a tree- Firstpup shot it. Maybe I'll make some dog collars out of it...

I bought an oak tree and we are about to dig the hole to bury him.

Thank you all for your support and positive thoughts for Chase today.
I'm so very sorry, MamaSheepdog. That has to be one of the toughest decisions a person can be called upon to make for a pet. But with such a poor prognosis and the pain he must have been in, I have no doubt that you made the best decision both for him and your family. It's very sad. (((Hugs for you, Hubs and the Pups.)))
I am so so sorry hon. What a horrible ordeal for your family and Chase