Randomly lucky knitting!!!

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2011
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Western Michigan
So the last couple of weeks I've been trying to learn a style of knitting called Entrelac. It makes this very cool "interwoven" look, and I think I finally got it down well enough to start an actual project instead of just a practice swatch.

A while ago I bought some bargain "clearance" yarn, including several balls of "self striping" yarn. The idea is that the yarn will be all stripey and look like you are using several yarns instead of just one. I decided to aim for a super-easy first Entrelac-patterned project, so......I cast on for a scarf, and figured it'd be multi-colored.

I got about three tiers on and realized.................I somehow made it the PERFECT WIDTH so that each "self-stripe" section is a tier of it's own. This is SUCH a cool effect!!! Now to see how long it lasts since not every stripe-length is the same, LOL. I doubt I could do this twice if I tried, but the fact that it happened accidentally amuses me greatly. ;)

My Entrelac scarf thus far!!!


If this goes well (I've made some errors so far but they aren't major) the next project will be a hat (so I can come to terms with Entrelac in the round) and EVENTUALLY a sweater. Because I just think it looks so cool. :)
Wow, Kyle! :p The Knitting Gods are smiling upon you!

And by the way... "Take that, Dad!" :pokeeye:
I showed my mom, and she started freaking out... Did you learn that from a website, or from videos? Is there anyway you can link me?
Thanks guys!!! I'll be sure to post a few in-progress shots and of course the finished product. ;)

And by the way... "Take that, Dad!"

My dad just got back from a road trip, and saw the someday-scarf, and couldn't believe I didn't do this on purpose. :lol:

That's pretty cool Kyle. Wish I was able to do stuff like that. Good job!

I had a hard time picking up knitting for years, then I took a two hour class at the local craft store. Within an hour I had the basics, by the end I was able to follow super-basic instructions, and subsequent Youtube videos have taught me a LOT. ;) Some things I'm learning are suprisingly easy...once you get the hang of it, Entrelac is pretty simple! Corrugated ribbing, however.....................that may take me a while. :(

Look into local craft stores, they LOVE teaching people because they then hope you will buy your needles and yarn there. ;)

I showed my mom, and she started freaking out... Did you learn that from a website, or from videos? Is there anyway you can link me?

Ohiogoatgirl has some GREAT videos there. I also recommend Youtube user Iknitwithcatfur, she posts a LOT of super-amazing cool things!!!


Entrelac Scarf update.........well the last white band was a little short and the last blue band was a little long.......so it looks like I made mistakes on the sides, but they aren't so far off as to look goofy. ;) And I am knitting a LOT now, because apparently there's a golf game on that my dad "has" to watch......and the only thing more boring than playing golf is WATCHING golf.

I have also decided I hate picking up stitches purl-wise. I think the tip of my left index finger is bruised now. :p
That looks really really neat! :p
Can't wait to see the finished project. Remember to post pictures when you are done! ;)
That is really cool! I like varigated yarns and have taken projects apart if it doesnt line up to my liking lol! Yay for OCD!

I hope it stays like that the entire scarf! I might need to pick up some knitting needles and try that one out.
Wyldrose":38m9qcbk said:
I like varigated yarns and have taken projects apart if it doesnt line up to my liking lol! Yay for OCD!

If I knit, that would be me! Must be a Danish thing, eh Wyldrose? :mrgreen:
I just started knitting a couple of weeks ago. I'm pretty hopeless at it, I can do knit and purl but that's it. That Entrelac thing looks amazing!
Cali":z9glmwmc said:
I just started knitting a couple of weeks ago. I'm pretty hopeless at it, I can do knit and purl but that's it. That Entrelac thing looks amazing!

once you get the hang of it its not too bad :) hang in there though once it catches then yer done caught :lol: then we will have to start a thread for who has the biggest yarn stash!
That is really cool! I like varigated yarns and have taken projects apart if it doesnt line up to my liking lol! Yay for OCD!

I hope it stays like that the entire scarf! I might need to pick up some knitting needles and try that one out.

There's some spots on the side triangles that aren't perfect but it's still pretty close!!! :D

I just started knitting a couple of weeks ago. I'm pretty hopeless at it, I can do knit and purl but that's it. That Entrelac thing looks amazing!

That's the best part: it's the order you stitch in, and otherwise it's almost all knit and purl stitches! :) It took me about five swatches to get the hang of it, but once you get the hang of turning your knitting about a million times it gets easier. ;) I think the only stitches I had to look up were knitting or purling two together (which is easier than it sounds), picking up stitches (which I'm learning to hate, my left index finger hurts so bad right now) and "making" a stitch for some of the side triangles. :) So if you want to give it a try, go for it!!! :D

SCARF UPDATE!!! I have a few more rows done. :)

And my cat Ember is super-patient, LOL. I sat there with the camera (aka my phone) at the ready and kept making sounds at her until she meowed. :) I deem this picture...essentially perfect!!!


So far the best caption I've got for this is "knit one, purrr two!" Also, totally don't judge me on the floral pillowcase. Our washing machine is broken and it was the only clean one left. Ironically found it in my dad's linen closet, and no I am asking NO questions. I don't think I wanna know. :lol:
Kyle! It looks awesome!!! And what a lucky choice in your cast on! Can't wait to see the finished project!
Excuse me Kyle.

I think your next projects will be... a shawl for me :)

I tried knitting, it does not love me. Crocheting is very easy for me, one needle, one way. I've bought a few of those knitting looms, and I am going to get a knitting board.

So far, I'm just spinning up wool with no projects in mind.
Fabulous job!!
There was an entrelac class at Fiber Fusion last year, and the guy teaching it was wearing THE most awesome, tacky, brilliant sweater EVER. It had every variety of tacky 'fun' yarn, sparkles, eyelash, you name it, and on the cuffs...cha cha ruffles! (I like your scarf MUCH better!!)
Keep up the good work!
Hey Skysthelimit? Maybe we could do a trade at some point. :mrgreen: Yarns you've made for a knitted shawl? :) Heck you could even spin yarn just to your specifications for the shawl and I could knit it in that...

Just tossing ideas out there, LOL!!! I suck so bad at spinning. :( I need a new drop spindle, too...I keep struggling to "budget" it in with car insurance and stuff, LOL.