Rabbits Not Using J-Feeders

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Oct 23, 2013
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Put in Bass Fine-X feeders 4" high (cage floor to bottom of feeder) loaded with Mana-Pro Grow and they don't touch it. I can only get them to eat putting it in crocks. OK for now, but when the ten newborn kits grow up a bit what do I do?
I also had issues with feeders and use crocks. When I have kits growing out, I feed them in a dog food bowl. Once the kits were in their grow out cage, I switched to two dog bowls. It worked really well, and it was, I admit, too funny to see the kits climbing up in the bowls. They didn't waste much at all, and grew out well.
It's been a long time since I had rabbits in cages, but I was never happy with the J-feeders and soon switched to crocks. I fed youngsters with a deep pie plate so they could all get around it. It worked well, but they do like to get right into the bowl.

Just a caution... If you stop using the J-feeders but leave them hooked up because of the hole they leave when removed, please fill them with something to keep rats, snakes and weasels out. I used rocks.