Rabbits in dark garage

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Tifton, GA
I keep my rabbits in a garage. Although there are two windows with blinds, the blinds are closed during the day. It is kinda dark in there all day. I do cut on lights when I get home for about 4 hours. Is being in semi-darkness during the day going to negatively effect the rabbits?
It might hamper their breeding.
To get them to breed you must simulate
the longest hours of daylight.
Why not allow the sunlight to come
through the windows throughout the day?
Just a suggestion.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
I'm gonna open the blinds, but it gets hot in there. I know this time of year should not be a problem though.
I put a lamp in with a timer on for my buns :) My barn doesn't get too bright either, especially not in winter.
I have curtains on my garage window, it lets in some light but nobody can see in.
Depends on the rabbits. My netherlands couldn't care less if they get light. My meat mutts were mildly sensitive but only stopped breeding on the shortest days of the year. My american sables haven't bred since day length fell below 12hrs and they get full sun through the 20' high doors.
i find the amount of light makes no never mind in breeding rabbits. If they don't breed there is something else going on with them. If it is better for them to be in dark, leave 'em in the dark to keep them cooler.
Thanks all. I feel better about it. I'm gonna keep the blinds open this time of year and close them during the summer. Now I need to figure out how to keep them cool in the garage during the summer.