Rabbits are VEXING!!!!!

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
three does. two due today and one tomorrow.

about 12 days ago have two does freaking out wanting nest boxes. One doe who could care less.

one doe builds a BEAUTIFUL nest yesterday. just marvellous. Think okay... babies coming. NOT!!!!!!!!

Doe Two.... after freaking out over needing a nest box...now could care less.

Doe three who could care less, due tomorrow... kindles five with two alive. This doe is a SLOW starter with her kits, I deliberately bred her to follow two does to give her kits a good back up. You know... give her some started kits to raise, let someone else raise hers.... hmmmm.....


Can I be frustrated now?
well, you could be waiting for a young doe to kindle...having no clue if she settled...a doe who acts strangely just 'cuz. Watch her for a few days as she wanders around with hay in her mouth trying to force it into the wire of the cage...and then when you DO put a nest box in...she totally ignores it :x
Oh, yeah! Vexing doesn't begin to cover it! I tried to breed my three does today. Put Alice in with her son, Thyme, and they both did what they were supposed to do with great enthusiasm. Put Rosemary and Sage (Thyme's sisters) in with Jasper one at a time. He tried to do his thing, but I don't think he likes virgins. He gave up awfully easily and they sure weren't cooperating. Then he proceeded to pull mouthfuls of their hair from the back of their necks. They were not impressed. Tried them morning and afternoon... and I guess we'll give it another go tomorrow morning. Sigh. Maybe I should try them with Thyme instead. His manners are better.
MaggieJ":2kx6kgw7 said:
Oh, yeah! Vexing doesn't begin to cover it! I tried to breed my three does today. Put Alice in with her son, Thyme, and they both did what they were supposed to do with great enthusiasm. Put Rosemary and Sage (Thyme's sisters) in with Jasper one at a time. He tried to do his thing, but I don't think he likes virgins. He gave up awfully easily and they sure weren't cooperating. Then he proceeded to pull mouthfuls of their hair from the back of their necks. They were not impressed. Tried them morning and afternoon... and I guess we'll give it another go tomorrow morning. Sigh. Maybe I should try them with Thyme instead. His manners are better.
Is thyme the blue rabbit in the banner picture with the white nose? or is that Parsley? :lol: See TG, Ya just got to sing S&G insead of Elvis. :cool:
down to one baby now..... and no others apparently on the horizon... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ah well....what does one do but try, try again.....<br /><br />__________ Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:47 pm __________<br /><br />okay....

we had two, went down to one, and are back up to two again. I'm confused.

And Miss...who cares about the nest box now?!?!?!! ... just had two babies! :)

I'm getting to be a happier camper.

Why oh why can't rabbits be normal? :)