You should definitely talk to Paula about this! She was working on trucking to CA from SW OR, she may have insight for you. Custom meat packers would do the job but charge waaaay too much, still, if you called them, they might know what is up for your area, where to look, who to call. Check with auction houses too, they will know the commercial meat packers who frequent the area. Extension agents, maybe?
Just don't forget that 100 buns means 100 cages to clean, 100 water bottles to fill, 100 sets of records to keep, tons of feed, some means of transport...Not trying to discourage you, just saying, as you probably know, farming is NEVER an easy start-up, and farmers work HARD. You will make a lot of mistakes before you have a system that works so take whatever your initial "expenses" total is, and add at least 50% for what I call "the stupidity-factor." :? The voice of experience...
It will still be cheaper than college, so consider it education expenses! :lol:
The best bet would be to keep supplying your neighbors directly, that should get you the most profit. Use that as seed money for the future...or buy a milkshake, your choice, no commitment that way.
Happy Thanksgiving, may all your amazing schemes work out this year!! :clover: