Rabbit Processors?

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
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South Eastern Oregon
How do you find out who to sell in bulk to, if you wanted to go all hard core into rabbit raising? (I have run some numbers and found, if you can sell them, that they get more profitable the more you have).

I would love to jump up in numbers as soon as I can afford it, but need to have this all figured out first. Anyone know of processors near SE OR?
You should definitely talk to Paula about this! She was working on trucking to CA from SW OR, she may have insight for you. Custom meat packers would do the job but charge waaaay too much, still, if you called them, they might know what is up for your area, where to look, who to call. Check with auction houses too, they will know the commercial meat packers who frequent the area. Extension agents, maybe?

Just don't forget that 100 buns means 100 cages to clean, 100 water bottles to fill, 100 sets of records to keep, tons of feed, some means of transport...Not trying to discourage you, just saying, as you probably know, farming is NEVER an easy start-up, and farmers work HARD. You will make a lot of mistakes before you have a system that works so take whatever your initial "expenses" total is, and add at least 50% for what I call "the stupidity-factor." :? The voice of experience...

It will still be cheaper than college, so consider it education expenses! :lol:

The best bet would be to keep supplying your neighbors directly, that should get you the most profit. Use that as seed money for the future...or buy a milkshake, your choice, no commitment that way.

Happy Thanksgiving, may all your amazing schemes work out this year!! :clover: :love:
I sell to a meat processor. The rabbits are just paying there way as soon as my check comes in i go to the feed store and buy up feed bags. Ive got 18 does 3 bucks around 35 fryers of various ages and around 40 babies from 1 day up to 4 weeks. Currently i go though a bag every 4 days or 10 bags a month. But the number will change as ive got to get up to 25 does. My friend who has been selling to the processor for a couple of yrs know goes though a bag of food a day. I do think it will be some day some what profitable but barley more of a hobby that pays for itself plus a little side change for myself. I don't want to discourage you but just dont go into this thinking lots of money. It might be profitable but it might take a yr or more to become profitable. Over all i love doing it its fun and relaxing for me (when they produce litters and raise them) so im sure as long as they will buy from me i will be raising rabbits. Anyway sorry for all my rambling good luck to you hope you find your processor.
I know it'll take a while to get good, I was thinking about three years and three hundred does. Starting in a year or so. (three hundred is a number I want to build to). And there are ALOT of things I need to work out, but I may end up just supplying to locals. May be simpler. I did email Paula, but she is probably busy with the holiday right now, as I haven't heard back yet. We'll see how it all works out. :)

I have alwwyas wanted to farm SOMETHING, I love rabbits, and already know how to care for them, and never want to be rich. Maybe own some land and pay the bills. Thats it. :)

So I think it could be perfect for me. :) I just have to figure it out.
I am getting $1.20 per lb live wt. feed prices have been on the upswing and we just took a 10 cent drop in what we get. My feed cost right now is $25.44 cwt.and it takes about 25 lbs to make a 6+ pounder. Whats that, about 45 cents per rabbit before other xpenses. Tomorrow I'll ship 21 @ 126 pounds. Its not a profitable venture without large numbers. Luckily I sell a few at breeder/show prices which still doesnt make it profitable. But its the breed improvment that i get my kicks from not the profit. Too bad the industry knows we dont really care about profitability. Just as in the dairy business, the trucker alweays makes out.

Web would like to form a co-op for buying large amounts of feed and shipping large numbers of animals. But, many growers will always treat it as a hobby, not a business enterprise which results in unstable supply; with out which, there is an unstable market demand.
It is a nice cash flow thing at the least.
We get $1.50 live weight. And we pay $10 a bag with the way my rabbits are producing 6 or less per litter im setting in the negative numbers. As soon as im done culling all the bad rabbits out and buying replacements I plan on bringing in some new blood line to work with there gentics and hopeful breed a better rabbit that puts out 8 or more babies that reach market weight quick. Im in these for the long haul love raising rabbits. Would love to have a large number of rabbits but not anytime soon. Ive got my rabbity in a 20 by 30 barn so no more then 25 does would love to get more but this is my parents land and they say no more buildings. Cant wait tell we can buy some land.