Rabbit pellets vs Alfalfa pellets

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2012
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coastal southeast North Carolina
From my local feed store I can get Carolina Pride rabbit pellets (50lb) for $18.??


I can have them order in alfalfa pellets (50lb) for $16

being that I'm wanting to get away from rabbit pellets and the "mystery ingredients" that probably include GMO grains and soybeans...the alfalfa pellets sound better to me. What do ya'll think?

Alfalfa hay at TSC in Conway (40 minute drive away) is $17.99 for a 50lb bale.

Figure the move to the alfalfa pellets would require a mineral block...any other possible issues?
Hopefully, your rabbits will eat them. I tried to save money by buying straight alfalfa pellets, but none of my rabbits like them. I guess I could force them into eating them by making it the only food available. They already have mineral blocks.

My rabbits either dug them out of the feeders or went on a hunger strike. I gave in within 2 days and switched them back to rabbit pellets.

The alfalfa pellets are larger than rabbit pellets, so they might also need to be cut for the smaller bunnies. I'm not sure about that, though.

I feed Manna Pro ($17.49 a bag at TSC) and found alfalfa pellets ($14.99 a bag at a local-ish feed store). TSC also has alfalfa pellets, but the bags are only 40 lbs.
I prefer the alfalfa cubes over the pellets, buns don't seem to like the pellets as much and wasted a lot. Stanlee hay products are good, most TSCs carry them and the alfalfa is non-gmo.

You can't straight substitute alfalfa pellets for commercial rabbit pellets, they are different things. The rabbit pellets have an alfalfa base but have grain, salt, vitamins and minerals added. You are going to want a salt lick and depending on your rabbits ages and needs maybe some whole grain feeding.

I feed free choice grass hay, alfalfa cubes, lots of fresh grass, whole oats and boss. In winter I add some barley and up the grain amount.
My rabbits won't touch the alfalfa cubes or pellets, but they sure do love the hay. I'm about 20 minutes outside of Greensboro and found bales of alfalfa for $10. If I had to guess, I'd say they are at least 40-50 pounds, if not more. I made my husband move them. They get a mix of about 90% whole oats and 10% BOSS and free choice hay. They still have pellets in the feeders, but they hardly touch it since I started with the oats. And they have the mineral blocks too. Although my bunnies just seem to think they're toys.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:19 pm __________<br /><br />I just wanted to mention that I introduced the oats and BOSS after my rabbits seemed to be dropping weight on the same pellets the breeder had them on. I couldn't find any reason for the weight loss so I thought maybe it was just stress from the move (they went from a nice quiet yard to my crazy house with wild boys running around). They have made it very clear what they prefer and gained their condition back, so I don't expect to be buying any more pellets. They also get the occasional weeds from the yard.
Ya'll can get get bales of Alfalfa in Greensboro!?! For 10 bucks!?! How about a road trip to the coast? ...have a nice meal at a Calabash seafood restaurant...swim in the ocean...yeah...it's the season! :-D<br /><br />__________ Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:26 pm __________<br /><br />Just did a quick check on CL...someone has some imported (from PA...) Alfalfa/Timothy/Orchard bales for $12...but without a truck ...
you can fit a couple bales in a car (if you don't mind vacuuming after!)
dangerbunny":2lckje5x said:
you can fit a couple bales in a car (if you don't mind vacuuming after!)

You haven't met my mother, have you? :p :lol:

Mother and I are sharing one vehicle at the moment and she isn't happy that I keep trying to make her car a "farm truck"...but, until the Lord provides a farm truck, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! :p
How I would love to make a trip to the coast! I haven't been in the ocean in far too long. I actually made a trip to the Outer Banks back in April, but it was a school trip with my 10 year old, so no swimming was allowed. Bummer! But, if you'd like to make a trip here, I can certainly set you up. This guy is a farmer and has several varieties of hay...alfalfa, orchard grass, timothy, etc.
I agree with the salt/mineral blocks and the alfalfa cubes, as well. My rabbits won't eat the alfalfa pellets, but they'll eat the cubes. They'll eat hay as well, but they waste a lot more of the hay than they do of the cubes, and the price here is about the same.
Yeah, my rabbits waste a lot of hay. When it is coastal Bermuda that I paid $3 a bale for that is no biggy. But, if I pay $12 a bale or more, I don't want to be seeing it all on the ground or pooped on.

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