Rabbit meat sales in oklahoma: Question about meaning

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Well-known member
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Aug 11, 2014
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Idabel, OK
According to the oklahoma rabbit inspection act http://www.oda.state.ok.us/food/foodsafety_sub9.pdf it was illegal to sell processed rabbit meat in oklahoma unless it had been slaughtered at a USDA inspected facility. However, I had been told recently that it was legal so long as it was directly from the farm that raised the rabbit. This got me to wondering if there had been a law change fairly recently and I had missed it.

I believe that this does indeed mean that it is legal for me to sell processed rabbit so long as it is directly from my farm and not through any retail establishment. Am I reading this correct?

A. The Oklahoma Rabbit and Rabbit Products Inspection Act (I linked it above) shall apply to:

1. Any person that engages in the business of slaughtering any rabbits or processing, freezing, packaging, or labeling any carcasses, or parts or products of carcasses, of any rabbit, for intrastate commerce, for use as human food or animal food. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to:

a.the slaughtering of rabbits owned and raised by a person who prepares and transports the carcasses of:

(1)rabbits or parts of rabbits exclusively for his own use or for use by members of his household or his nonpaying guests or employees, or

(2)rabbits owned and raised by a person who prepares and transports the carcasses of uninspected rabbits or parts of rabbits exclusively for sale directly to household consumers. Said persons are specifically prohibited from selling or donating uninspected rabbit products to retail stores, brokers, meat markets, schools, orphanages, restaurants, nursing homes and similar establishments. Said persons are further prohibited from sales or donation of uninspected rabbit products to caterers, charitable institutions, public fund raising events and similar activities. Said persons are further prohibited from selling uninspected rabbit products through any type of retail market or similar establishment owned or operated by the rabbit owner or raiser,
http://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/20 ... 2-6-280.5/ <br /><br /> __________ Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:23 am __________ <br /><br /> I went ahead and called the dept of agriculture to verify and he read the amendment which was made in 2014 and agreed that I would be able to sell to household consumers but not restaurants or retail stores. I'm pretty pleased. I was under the impression all rabbit meat in oklahoma had to be inspected.

I'm going to add this info to the end of the state rules thread. Admins can delete this if they don't want it in two different threads.
The way I read it is that it's okay if you give or sell a rabbit that you've processed to an individual that will personally consume that rabbit.

Pretty much the same as what Kansas allows. As long as it's for personal use, I can process it and sell it.
Same applies in California- you are allowed to sell to the end consumer only- no restaurants, stores, etc. They fall under the same rules as poultry here.

Certain counties allow sales at Farmer's Markets as well, but mine is not one of them. I can have people pick up here at the ranch or deliver it to them.
alforddm thank you for this info
I thought it was illegal to sell processed rabbit meat in oklahoma to but after looking into the info you posted I am going to start selling.

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