Rabbit is sick.

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Jul 3, 2012
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Over the past 2 days my little piston has been looking worse it was 36f 2 nights ago and 25f last night

Im not really sure whats wrong with him he seems to be eating and drinking ok but the shine in his eyes is gone and and he definitely looks more scraggly to me at least

Im not really sure what I can do for him I brought him indoors again and back in an aquarium and added a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar to his water


You might try oats and hay only for a couple of feedings to see if he doesn't balance himself on his own.
I will do both of those things tonight I dont think it will be to bad the air but I will keep it clean for him the cage is 20gallon long reptile tank kinda small but short with no roof and a towel over 1 side to provide a lurken corner<br /><br />__________ Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:13 pm __________<br /><br />He is on a diet of hay rolled oats and pellets I weighted him yesterday and his normal weight of 2.6lbs he now weighs 2.1lbs I hope he gets better or I will have no male to keep this blood line going