Rabbit Hutch/Cage Wire Size for FLOOR

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Mar 30, 2022
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Can 3/4" x 3/4" (14g) PVC coated wire be successfully used as a floor in these hutches/cages?

It would seem to me that manure pellets would easily go through and the PVC coating may be helpful in preventing hock injury and easier to clean w/a pressure washer or bucket of soapy water.
Has anyone tried this size spacing (3/4" x 3/4") for a floor and been happy with it?

It's my understanding that the floor that is used by most is (14 g) galvanized - 1/2 x 1 or 1 x 1/2 but I have the opportunity to purchase (14g) 3/4 x 3/4 PVC coated and if it would work well for the floors, I'll pull the trigger.

Your experience and opinion is greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Just spoke with Klubertanz and they do NOT recommend coated 3/4 x 3/4 for the floors. They were concerned about the rabbit chewing the coating and only recommend coated wire for transport cages. Their recommendation for cage floors is 1" x 1/2" or 1/2" x 1" (GAW - galvanized after weld)...
Spacing wise you may run into issues with broken toes, kits legs getting stuck, sore hocks, and possibly more. Without a proper spacing the weight distribution across the rabbits’ feet is not correct and puts pressure on pinpoint locations instead of across the entire foot, which can lead to health issues not just in the feat, but in the other joints as well.

PVC coating in theory does seem like a good idea, but long term often isn’t worth it. Rabbits often chew off the coating and because the wire is not rust proof it will be destroyed pretty fast. With that said cages are often trial and error, and something that was the worst for one person may work wonders for another. It may be worth it, if possible, to get a sample enough for one cage and test it out before putting money into something that may have to be scraped in a year.
Spacing wise you may run into issues with broken toes, kits legs getting stuck, sore hocks, and possibly more. Without a proper spacing the weight distribution across the rabbits’ feet is not correct and puts pressure on pinpoint locations instead of across the entire foot, which can lead to health issues not just in the feat, but in the other joints as well.

PVC coating in theory does seem like a good idea, but long term often isn’t worth it. Rabbits often chew off the coating and because the wire is not rust proof it will be destroyed pretty fast. With that said cages are often trial and error, and something that was the worst for one person may work wonders for another. It may be worth it, if possible, to get a sample enough for one cage and test it out before putting money into something that may have to be scraped in a year.

Thanks for chiming in!... I've decided to go with the 1" x 1/2" or 1/2" x 1" galvanized after welding.
1"x 1/2" is the standard for cage floor wire. Galvanized after welding is usually preferred for rabbit cages. If you are building cages you want to make sure that the side with the 1/2" gaps is at the top so that the rabbits weight is more evenly distributed.
UPDATE: Just spoke with Klubertanz and they do NOT recommend coated 3/4 x 3/4 for the floors. They were concerned about the rabbit chewing the coating and only recommend coated wire for transport cages. Their recommendation for cage floors is 1" x 1/2" or 1/2" x 1" (GAW - galvanized after weld)...
Truthfully, the rabbits have chewed about 4 inches of coating on the walls in 2 years. That was early on. There has been no recent chewing. Zero chewing on the floor, ever. Now mind, I give them lots of stuff for tooth wear so they may just be disinclined from chewing wierd stuff. Galvanized wire will also rust. Specially if used outside and if exposed to acid (like uric).

I believe @SableSteel is referring to having the wire for the walls oriented so the longitudinal axis of the rectangle is vertical. For the floor it would make little difference, but the longitudinal axis would be better oriented perpendicular to the prevailing travel of the rabbits. IE. my hutch is rectangular to the rabbit mostly goes from end to end. So the long side of the wire mesh would go front to back.
What do you mean? At the top?...
Like, you want the narrower slots of the cage wire to be on the top. If you were looking at the floor wire from the top:

You can see in this picture how the closer together wires with the 1/2" gaps is on the top where they intersect. This is better, as it more evenly distributes weight and can help against sore hocks.
I posted about cage floors a few weeks ago, and @Zee-Man put me onto a really nice 16 ga coated wire (1" x 1/2") that he has been using for years. He says it holds up well. I just used it to build a 6'x3' cage and it is really nice! I got it at Lowes or Home Depot, don't remember which.

View attachment 29404

@Zee-Man where does one get this 16 gauge wire?

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