rabbit fur everywhere

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Active member
Jun 29, 2011
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OK, i have her in my bedroom, an when the sun shines in the window i see fur in the air floating everywhere. It is sticking on the cage also . Is this bad air for me to breath since i have some problems with my lungs , but no matter what i will not get rid of her an have no where else to keep her . What can i do ?
Thanks ,\
I can't speak for the technicals about being harmful or not, but I have 3 kitties in the house, and we bought a good air purifier. You'd be surprised how much hair it pulls out of the air! Maybe something like that would help. I clean ours out every month, and always get a bunch of hair and dust off of the filter.
give her a good brush out. gets rid of more of the hair faster. :) and yeah, get an air purifier. It will help.
Provided you don't have allergies rabbit fur is unlikely to do any harm. The dust from bedding and hay is more of a risk. I would definitely try for litter training if you haven't so only a small amount of bedding is needed and a more expensive type that is low dust with no phenols (phenols are found in softwoods like cedar and pine) can be used. To keep the hair under control brushing her and cleaning the room regularly should be enough. Vacuum or sweep and wipe down cage bars and other surfaces that might collect hair. If you have respiratory problem an air purifier is always a good idea. There's tons of microscopic stuff that builds up in a room which we don't see. On top of the amount of hair it would collect you'd be surprised how much random fuzz and dust an air purifier picks up. I just cleaned out my laptop heat sink on a few month old laptop and it looked like the lint trap to the dryer.
You can put a household air filter on the backside of abox fan, and have the fan pull air from the rabbit cage area.This will help trap some of thet stuff before ot gets to the rest of the room.
Yeah, you need to brush her, welcome to Molt season
it aint inpressive until you see a long(er) coat rabbit blow it's coat in 2 days, that is a sight to see, it literally just peels off.
Rabbits don't compare to my akita. The hair pulls out by the handful off the dogs for about 3 weeks twice a year. She's caused the death of many computers. Shedding season ended about a week ago so I am trying to get rid of all the hair. It's pointless to attempt it until shedding is done. I just cleaned out a corner behind a saddle and the dog crates that is about 3x3'. The fur was 2' deep. I filled a grocery bag with what I cleaned out of the bedroom.
Um, I got 3 thriantas that have blown their entire coat in less than 2 days, while it may be less due to their limited size, it still will rival your dog, and yes it pulled out in HUGE (like the entire coat rolled off) clumps. And the air, was very fluffy.

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