Rabbit evaluation help please

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That's good. :) One year a friend of mine raised turkeys and a group of us each bought one... when it came time to process them, we all did it together, and most of us had never butchered before. It made it easier to cope with.

I hope it goes smoothly for you. :clover:
Deed done. I was prepared to take lots of pictures of the necropsy, as requested. Only one was taken as there was only one thing that was of note: pockets of infection under the skin (but not into the muscle) on his legs. All organs were healthy. Nothing to really help explain WHY.

While it would have been easier for me if there had been something glaringly wrong with him, I know that I know that I did the right thing. Now, we will sterilize his cage and equipment and move forward.

As we moved through the process, my friend taught me the fine art of skinning and butchering a rabbit. Hard to watch on a rabbit I'd held, loved on, and nursed; but, we take our training where God provides it.
Sorry that you had to put him down :grouphug2: ... pockets of infection under the skin = Pasturella?
I'm thinking not Pasturella as the other rabbits are fine and they were in cages right next to him for months as we treated and retreated the reoccurring sores on his legs. The only way to know for sure would be to get a lab evaluation done which I can not afford do to.

I miss him...I find myself still stopping at his empty cage and starting to talk to him like I used to...only to find his cage empty... I'll eventually move Biscuitt into that cage so Biscuitt's cage can be the grow out cage but...for now it stands as a memorial to Skipp.
Aww. Poor Skipp. :(

I am glad your friend was there to help you. At least now you know the process.

It will still be hard when freezer camp day comes, but it does get easier the more you do. I still don't like it, but it is satisfying to know that the meat in my freezer had a good life and a humane end before it got there.

Frecs":mxy6aqen said:
I miss him...I find myself still stopping at his empty cage and starting to talk to him like I used to...only to find his cage empty...

I went through the same when I had to put Black Floyd down, and more recently with the does I had to dispatch due to Pasteurella. Knowing that you did "the right thing" doesn't mean you wont still miss him.

Frecs, just because the others don't show symptoms of pastuerella doesn't mean that isn't what Skipp had ... just that your other rabbits are healthy, not stressed, and have robust immune systems ... which is a GOOD thing in this case :D

Again, so sorry you had to put him down.

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