Quitting Smoking.

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anytime your body is deprived of a chemical that it has adjusted to, you can get a headache. And since you actually exhibit the 'addiction' symptoms, you probably are primed for a few headachey days. Drink lots of water, and do stay away from the caffiene- no sense in trading one addiction for another.<br /><br />__________ Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:20 pm __________<br /><br />oh, turn on your IM!!!
OOOOH, yer a chick (kinda easy to forget)

BUT remember smoking messes with yer HORROR MONES too.
so you might be a little long or whacky on your cycle while you adjust.
ya. I cheated. I gota couple smokes to wean myself down. A couple drags and my headache is not as bad. If I wean down for a few days like that, I think I can take the rest ok.

Really, though, cold turkey is HARD. I have always been a coffe drinker. Black as night and thick as mud, lol. figure i'll tackle one addiction at as time, lmao. In a couple weeks when I am more able to handle the ex-smoker thing I will tackle the caffine. I do have a baby I still need to take care of...lol. I don't know how well he would handle me bedridden with a migraine from hell for three days.

I still have a headache. LIke I said, I am only taking a couple drags. Make it a wean down without it being to ogradual, I figure three days to wean down and then I quit for good. It'll still be a fast plummet, but not as bad as it could be. You know, as long as I am quitting for real. If it makes me feel this crappy, I DO need to quit.

My head hurts so bad, I reckon I am going to turn off the computer for the rest of the day. The screen is making my head throb.

And tristan weaning himself down (thus more hormones trying to make a comeback) probly isn't helping. I guess I could have picked a better time to stop...but it's started, and I aim to finish what I start.
cause now you have to start it all again
get the gum or something
smoking is just weaning yourself back into your addiction.
been there done that.
I know...I cna't get any help...no money. I guess I just won't smoke any more of it. Ugh. This is HARD! lol. No wonder hubby has yet to quit. I just wish I had never started back up afterI had Caelin...and after I had Tristan. When this is kicked, you bet your whiskers I WILL NEVER smoke again. Quitting hurts too much, lol.<br /><br />__________ Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:55 pm __________<br /><br />wow. I didnt want a cigg....I wanted sugar and carbs. bread, bananas, mayonaise, YUM!!!! and my headache is going away.

Maybe THATS why I thought I wanted a cigg? I was hungry and got used to smoking instead of eating!!
OOOh, good job Jack! I forgot about them!

The sugar and carbs and needing food--YES that is part of it. You must eat, and you will want all the bad foods. For now eat them! Later, Eat lots of celery or something crunchy that has few calories. Eat regular meals, plan a time and stick to it. And take an asprin!! Three days. The headaches should be over in 3 days.
Thank you guys! This is slightly nuts. If it were illegal, I'm sure it would be easier to quit, lol, because there would be a stigma attatched much greater than there is.

I will pig out for three days, four, maybe. I will take pain killers. I will NOT smoke!

You guys rock.
They say smoking is ruffly as addictive as heroine....
and thats one of the hardest to kick
so that makes me wonder about all those pussies who are 'addicted' to other drugs
hell, when I was in Iraq I quit (smoking is a boredom thing for me) cause I ran out and never quite got around to buying more.

Oh, and if anyone ever offers you Sumers in the blue pack, do yourself a favor and just roll up used coffee grounds in a TP tube and piss on it before you smoke....
The only thing that worked for me was the Chantix, but it made me mean. I couldn't even stand myself! I started again when Shy was diagnosed with diabetes. You shoulda called, I'd have done it with you...I've been contemplating for a few weeks. We could have been a wreck together.
Piffle! she has just started, quit with her NOW!! :)

Shara, you are gonna feel like you are coming down with the worst flu of your life, pretend like that is it and take painkillers, drink lots of fluids, rest, etc. Don't freak out if you get night sweats. Hubby thought he was gonna die, it is just your system clearing toxins any way it can. That's why the fluids--speeds up your kidneys clearing the gunk out.
eco2pia":1r42t0zo said:
Piffle! she has just started, quit with her NOW!! :)


I second that-- no need getting someone stressed over something that her body may not even experience= keep putting suggestions in her head, she will develop hypochondria!

Shara-- mountain top- waterfall.. cool breezes...
Paula. I am emailing you. WHo would have guessed you are a smoker? Not me...Then again, no one thinks I do (did?) either, until they see me light up.

Everyone else? You are amazing. I love you guys. Seriously.