Quitting Smoking.

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
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South Eastern Oregon
So I am officially quitting, and MAN is it scary! I had a little tobacco left over, and last night was trash night, so I threw it all out. (Don't tell hubby, lol) There was barely anything left, so whatever. But I found an awesome website. Basically, it is VERY hard to quit smoking. Cold turkey actually has the highest rates of success, and it makes sense, I mean, can you imagine being an addict of something like meth and telling people you are "weaning yourself off"? Uh...no.

Of course, people quit in bunches of ways and for bunches of reasons.

Did you know that tobacco breaks down your fat, which is why you are able to eat less, because each time you smoke, you are getting the nutrition you have stored in your body, released. And tobacco, for some reason, makes coffee half as effective, so many quitters end up with jitters if the are also coffee drinkers. And every two hours your blood nicotine level halves itself...and is gone from your system in 72 hours, which is why you have the three day hump to get over? and that there are THOUSANDS of other chemicals in them, so smokers often need to readjust medicine, find out about chronic depression, and discover physical health problems when they quit? and did you know in order to have similar health risks from being overweight, you have to be 75 lbs over weight to match the dangers of one pack of smokes a day?

And did you know the chances of quitting for more than six months are only 10% or so?

over 90% of ex-smokersa quit cold turkey.

If you use nicotine patches, gum or other aids, each time you try you have a lower chance of quitting, for some reason. By the second time, it's about a 1% chance of long term cessation.

It really is a horrible addiction, and I am excited for the day when I can say I have a year clean of tobacco.

It really is true that one is too much, and a thousand never enough. I stop each time I am pregnant (though I am not, at this point in time, lol) and after the baby is born, at some point, I want "a drag". Within a week or two I am right back where I was before, without even trying. Ugh.

Oh, and your brain works in such a way, apparently, that everytime you relapse and smoke a drag, you have to do the whole three day detox ALL OVER AGAIN. It puts your brain right where it was, or worse.

WOW I learned a lot!
yeah, I'm reformed, I chew gum, it's nice, because, as much as I love smoking, I don't like smelling like (If I could get that 'hint' without the yuck, would love it)
been not smoking for 5 years....<br /><br />__________ Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:51 am __________<br /><br />Oh, yeah, if you are going to do it, realize that you either go cold turkey (surprisingly the greatest success on the long term) or step down.
Good for you! both of you!

Shara, it's good for your kids, too. Breathing in second hand smoke as a youngster is soooo damaging.

On a practical level, there are fewer and fewer places that allow people to smoke now. So you eiether feel like an outcast, or you sneak a smoke in the bathroom. :x AND...all that MONEY you save! :bananadance: have you figured that out yet? 1 pack is how much now? $3? $5? You can take the entire family out to dinner after just a week if you're a pack a day smoker!

It will be hard, and you'll have days when you think you'll kill for tobacco. But quitting is possible. It's doable. And lately you've been finding out you are an EXTREMELY tough woman. So I have faith in you!
Way to go Shara! we'll be your support team, okay? And yeah, every time you want to take a drag, put 5 dollars in a coffee can-call it the 'improved health coffer'!!!
lol. I don't even have a quarter....Gave all my money to the leeches that pass as an electric company over here. Its pretty bad when you are paying your bill in full, and gradually paying off the "security deposit", and they still turn of your electric in the middle of winter with two little ones in the house. Ugh.

So, like I said, I won't have a problem not buying more!

But I must admit to pasing the house, searching for a butt. Any butt. Cussing myself out for getting rid of it all instead of smoking it till it was gone, and THEN saying "enough".

BUT: My gramma died from cancer, basically. She got that cancer from smoking. Smoking is awesoem, and is a habit I relish, but it stinks, its embarressing, and when you go places, its hard to find a place to smoke away from your kids. You know, since you are supposed to watch your kids. It's bad for them, even though we don't smoke around them, it stays on our clothes and in our hair. It takes up so much time. did you know if you smoke one cigg an hour, and it takes ten minutes to do that, and you are asleep for eight hours you will spend 2.6 HOURS smoking in one day?! That's close to three hours...smoking.

It's insane. I am glad I am quitting, but everytime before, it was easy, the smell would make me puke, so it wasn't hard to motivate myself to stay away, lol. This time, I don't have that help.
gets worse, much worse
wait till you are outside the store standing down wind just to smell it.....
Yayyyy Shara! You can do it! Can you see me waving my pom poms in the air. I quit smoking a little over a year ago. I hate to say it but I was one of those freakish people to just quick cold turkey by throwing the pack in the trash and craved it for about three days and was over it. In my case I don't think I smoked because I was addidcted so much as I did it out of boredom. I know many people who have struggled to quite MANY times over and over again. It is hard for most people but worth it! Keep strong and we are here to cheer you on!
last time I "quit" I had these wonderful dreams that consisted soley of smoking. :(

I am not eager to see where it goes, but as the website I saw put it, I should look at that as my body fighting off that poison. Recognise and embrace the misery! lol. Seriously, I SWEAR there was a half cigg around here somewhere....lol. Thanks for the support guys, I think I am going to need it!
My boyfriend and I quit together, he had a rough time of it and I just remembered that lolipops and meditation help. I can't meditate to save my life, I am too ADD. But I sure do love tootsie pops.
My partner, Brian, quit last April when he was hospitalized for a burst appendix. He used to smoke two packs plus a day. Being in hospital helped him over the first while, but he has stuck to it since. He's beginning to reap the benefits... smoker's cough almost gone, he can smell things again and notice much more flavour in various foods. He did have one of those "smoking" dreams, Shara!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if a two-pack a day for forty-five years can quit, so can you, Shara. We're cheering for you... so hang in there and remember that urges come and go. When one strikes, do something to distract yourself.

Yay, Shara!!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap: :up: :happy2: :up: :clap: :clap2:
lol, well, I am pretty impressed with my "discarding tobacco" skills! I have torn the house up and not a puff's worth in the place! I have not smoked since this morning, early, and that was three drags. I am feeling ok now, not trashing the house feeling like a tweaker, so it's a start! I know it only gets worse until day three, and then you are over the worst...
No, the morning of day 4 sucks, and when you wake up, it will suck, actually, it does get better, never have to worry about not feeling awake until the second smoke and 3 cups of coffee

waking up bright
on the other side
it is nice to be able to fake it when you don't feel like you can make it.
aww. look at it this way, Jack-- giving up tobaccy ain't as bad as giving up food!!! You can live without tobaccy!
Good for you.I wish you luck.my s/o stopped smoking over ten years ago.he gained about twenty five lbs.i read smoking increases your metabolism.he tried too quit about ten times before he succeeded.he said it helped if he chewed gum.
The metabolism crash/weight gain period lasts about 6 months. Don't worry about the weight until the 6 months is up--think of it like pregnancy. You'll take care of that later...

The thing about the money--hubby was a 2 pack a day smoker for our whole marriage. He quit, and I quit my job, and started paying tuition to go back to school and we still have more money than we did. My whole paycheck was supporting his habit--habits really, he quit drinking around that time too. We went on a trip to south america!! We had crazy amounts of extra cash!! I am not kidding, you will be amazed.

Hold on to that--and that the kids of smokers have a higher chance of becoming smokers themselves--and you wouldn't want that for your littles.
lol. right now, i'd rather give up food. lololol.

So the metabolism gets better? see, i am revamping my diet into lots of ucky veggies (you guys are the only ones who will likely ever hear me say that...everyone else thinks I LOVE veggies, but it's mainly a show to get SOME healthy food in the house, and to trick my kids into likeing them, lol) I am hoping that that will help me not gain weight, at least, and hopfully lose my last 15 lbs. I haven't weighed myself in about a week, and feel lighter, but then, I only quit smoking yesterday. So....who knows. Anyways...if it stops eventually, I can handle that (I am one of those gross people that can lose weight whenever they want, by mere force of will ie: not eating. Got great willpower with food.)

Jack, I hear every word you are saying. It SUCKS. Yeasterday, I spent pretty much the entire day ransacking the house, and it only stopped after I told myself "Shara, you've looked on top of the fridge ten times. There are no butts on top of the fridge". And I had to repeat that...until I began realizing it was true. There is no tobacco here. I MIGHT relapse a little (anyone in recovery? what do they say? you ALWAYS plan on relapsing before you do, lololol) when Scott comes to visit and drop off Caelin again. And then I'll be on here whining about how I want a ciggarette again, lol.

Nah, I'll look pretty rediculous with a smoke in my mouth a week after I "quit".

Besides, I'll have to start my clean time over again...

And I think looking at it like the addiction it is is the right thing. For me, at least. When I want to lose weight, I look at myself and tell myself how unhealthy this is...how I want to move freely and be healthy and strong. It helps me to get the salads past my throat. bitter, nasty stuff, lol.

Reminding myself this is an addiction, when I am pretty prideful that I have never been addicted to anything in my life (usew and addiction are two different things) thats pretty sobering. I am addicted. I mean, tobacco smells awful. It tastes awful, I know that. But why is it the flavor I crave? Why do I LONG so desparately to inhale? I want to smell it, to taste it, to revel in it. That's how I know I am addicted. It will killl me, it killed me gramma, but here I am, lusting after it.

Ugh. Besides, I know Gramma wanted to see me quit. I feel awful, because I almost had, but then I started again, and then gramma died. :( I don't want my grandchildren watching me die and saying...wow. everyone dies from addiction in this family.

I am very prideful. I admit it. I want to end the cycles with me. I know I can't completely succeed, because no one if perfect, but This is something I can do for my family, for my kids. I can let them grow up and never remember me smoking.

Ugh. That sounds so awful in my head, never smoking again.
Shara":2wnnlekq said:
Ugh. That sounds so awful in my head, never smoking again.
But it sounds so good out here- :music: - you have all the right reasons for wanting to quit. You have an understanding that it is a nasty addiction and somehow, I don't get the feeling that you would be one of those unbearable 'former smokers' :D Never smoking again is a LOT better than 'never' holding a grandchild, or 'never' seeing your child graduate from high school.

And yeah-- if it wasn't there the last ten times, it ain't gonna be there now!!!
lol, I coulda swore I had a halfie I could cheat with, but I never did find it, which means either I smoked it...or I left it outside and the snow monster got it. Either way, it works.

Anywho...does anyone know if you can get headaches from not smoking? normally my headaches are easily resolved by drinking coffe, but even though I am jittery at this point, the caffiene ain't touching this doozy I woke up with.
Um, kninda
Dopamine is REALLY CALMING....
and you don't sound so calm
either go running and burn it off or take a bath
stress causes head aches

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