question on dutch colors... black, steel, chocolate...

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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okay so i have two original dutch that i started with. and i'm wondering what colors to expect from them and what colors to expect from the kits...

*steel doe- in her pedigree is steel-steel, steel-black, steel-grey, grey-steel, black-black, steel-grey, grey-grey

*chocolate buck- in his pedigree is chocolate-chocolate, chocolate-chocolate, chocolate-black, choco-choco, choco-choco, choco-choco, black-choco

and from the litters i've had from them i've gotten 2 agouti, 8 black, and i think 7 that have died at a few days old and couldnt tell...

so my questions...
what all can i expect as colors from them together?

i am keeping two black does from her litters. one i will be breeding next month and the other wont be breeding age until end of july. and depending on heat i may hold off on breeding her until after august.
what color possibilities do i have breeding them back to their dad? i'd really love some chocolates <3 :p what are my chances of gettin some chocolates?

i have kept one agouti buck and one black buck that are now breeding age as well. what colors and what odds do i have breeding the black one back to his mom? breeding the agouti one back to his mom? breeding the black to his black sisters? breeding the agouti to his agouti sisters?

i am trying to decide who i want and who i dont. and i'm just curious and really dont understand much to color genetics. thanks :)
If you keep the black does, breed them back to their chocolate father, you will have a good chance of chocolates then (plus a few blacks). You basically have a "self" buck and an agouti doe who shows the steel gene. Agouti is dominant over self. You don't appear to have any dilutes so no blues/lilacs etc. will show. Are you sure that none of the black kits are steel? Your doe also must carry a self gene hidden to produce the black kits. All your kits from this pair DO carry chocolate. Its just a matter of the right pairing of genes! :)
OH! gosh i feel so old now... haha one of her kits that she has had was a steel. i totally forgot :$ oh gosh... yes she has had one steel in all of those.