question about tattoos

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
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I just got a new Creme d'Argent doe and the breeder put her tattoo in her RIGHT ear. What does this mean for us? Does that make her unshowable now?

I also need to purchase a tattoo kit of my own to do my unmarked rabbits and future kits. They have one at TSC, but I suspect that it is really for larger animals. Is there a specific letter/number size I should be using? Where can I buy tattoo equipment if the one at TSC isn't right?
If you put a correct tattoo in her left ear, that should make her showable. However, if you plan on registering may have to contact ARBA about that. The registrar may be able to put the (R) tattoo on a different spot in her right ear, but don't quote me on that.

As for a tattoo kit, I personally suggest investing in a pen-type tattooer. I don't like the sharp jolt of pain that a clamp inflicts on the rabbit, it makes them jump, scratch, and causes injuries due to improper holding and whatnot. That being said, some folks prefer a clamp for pretty much that same reason - one quick jolt and you're done. The one at TSC is probably for larger animals. I don't know the actual different sizes that the clamp tattooers come in because it's been so long since I've looked but check out Bass Equipment or look at one at a show.
depends on the judge, technically the rabbit can be DQ for 'marks', as in a ARBA sanctioned show, the ear is reserved for SOLELY the GC and or Reg. marks.
Jack":3srd59lt said:
depends on the judge, technically the rabbit can be DQ for 'marks', as in a ARBA sanctioned show, the ear is reserved for SOLELY the GC and or Reg. marks.

Whoops, you're right. I didn't think of that.
I prefer clamp tattoos because I have no artistic skill whatsoever and my hand writing is nearly unreadable. I type everything including my notes in class. It's also very quick but it does result in screaming flailing rabbits that you have to restrain for a couple minutes. My arms are usually in bad shape after tattooing day. The rabbits recover faster than me. By the next day they are over it while I have to watch what soaps I use in public restrooms for the next week. That alcohol stuff is killer on rabbit scratches.

I got my kit used from a registrar by watching the yahoo group for my district.
Its iffy as said on the right ear tattoo, I don't think there's any way a judge can tell its not a register tattoo as I've seen some that don't have the insigna before...but then again I could be wrong. That might be some thing to ask the ARBA office about for clarification. I know as said it lists it as reserved space but it never hurts to ask to make sure since its questionable.

As far as the tattooing goes, I've used both. I like the pen as its easy to use and if you can use block letter style you are good to go. It does take a bit of time to do each tattoo and keep the rabbit calm (there is still pain but the constant buzzing and vibration is worse). The clamp I like because its quick, easy, and in most cases my rabbits don't even notice its been done. I have had sqealers once n a while but not often. Either way there is possible injury. If a rabbit jumps free they can seriously hurt themself and that can happen with a pen or a clamp. I treat the ear with oragel max before I do my tattoos and in warm weather an ice cube right before, it helps to numb it and to lessen any blood flow that comes as a result of the tattoo. I recommend getting the 5 pt needle pens if possible (darker line) or the smallest clamp you can afford with letters and numbers so you can tattoo when small sooner...with the clamp you have to wait much longer for lil ears to grow out to be able to fit the clamp inside them (bass makes one that's a good bit smaller then the TSC one but its not cheap). If you are on a budget you might start with the basics and work up, a clamp/0-9 digits/ink bought second hand instead of new. 5/16 is an ok size for most weanlings/adults but for some very small eared breeds its about 3-4 months old mark before they are big enough to do. 3/8 is slightly larger then that and takes a bigger ear but on big breeds can be used easily. Even with waiting to an older age some times the ear s just big enough for a letter or few digits. A couple things that might be helpful to remember, always clean and sanatize your digits and clamp before use, apply prep h or other topical to clamp tattoos (pens can have it too to help but not a lot or the ink will be flushed out) to help speed closing and healing, if an ear is bleeding from a clamp down try to slow/stop it first so the ink can stay in and make a good tattoo (heavy bleeds will wash out the ink and make for a light or no tat), age of your ink is important (needs to be fresh and *never* let it freeze or get really cold...tats won't hold), pens don't go all the way through the ear just the first 3 layers of skin, clamps must go completely through the ear to get the best tattoo (you may have to peel an ear off that gets stuck once in a while, always get a clamp with the ear release though to try to help avoid it), a bunny bag will help to a point, black/blue/green darker inks are easier to read then red or bright/light colored inks, and do trial tats on your non-show hopefuls first incase there is an issue hat you need to practice and work out.
there is a FORMAT to the registers tattoo
as a matter of fact, each register has a specific part of the tattoo that identifies WHO tattooed the rabbit.
Ah...thanks for that tid bit. I had no idea and no body had ever mentioned it when tats came up before.

let me correct that, the reg number, and if he tats the number instead of the circle R, but like I said it depends, some judges will check it, others won't catch it, others will and just wink...