@Alaska Satin I looked at a hair from Chamo under magnification and it is banded with a black tip. It's night now and I won't be able to get a good picture until tomorrow afternoon but I will try to get a good shot of it. So is she an agouti steel? Is there such a thing?
Another question: you wrote that the supersteel can have limited patches of ticking; can this appear as scattered white hairs? (see pics of Gita, below, who has scattered white hairs and a tiny white patch at the base of her right ear)
Chamo threw a blue doe (Gris) from a white x blue breeding who I think is or carries steel. Gris threw a very dark blue (Gita) who I think is a supersteel. Here's Gris:

and Gita, her daughter:

Neither of these girls have a good flyback fur. (and neither has light trim or belly even though it may appear that way. It's just the weird light)
@MsTemeraire Well isn't that intriguing! These blue ticked rabbits have shown up in my lines from time to time, and they are large, robust and hare-like. I kind of like it actually. They seem, like Chamo, strong and healthy. While Chamo's body is large, robust, and hare-like, Happy Girl is more like a pudgy American with a topline tending toward commercial type. Other things to consider about Chamo and Happy Girl are fur quality. While Chamo's fur is fine, difficult to part and keep down for the photo, Happy Girl's is coarser. Neither rabbit has the American characteristic flyback fur, as my blues that I would label "selfs" do.
Another question: you wrote that the supersteel can have limited patches of ticking; can this appear as scattered white hairs? (see pics of Gita, below, who has scattered white hairs and a tiny white patch at the base of her right ear)
Chamo threw a blue doe (Gris) from a white x blue breeding who I think is or carries steel. Gris threw a very dark blue (Gita) who I think is a supersteel. Here's Gris:

and Gita, her daughter:

Neither of these girls have a good flyback fur. (and neither has light trim or belly even though it may appear that way. It's just the weird light)
@MsTemeraire Well isn't that intriguing! These blue ticked rabbits have shown up in my lines from time to time, and they are large, robust and hare-like. I kind of like it actually. They seem, like Chamo, strong and healthy. While Chamo's body is large, robust, and hare-like, Happy Girl is more like a pudgy American with a topline tending toward commercial type. Other things to consider about Chamo and Happy Girl are fur quality. While Chamo's fur is fine, difficult to part and keep down for the photo, Happy Girl's is coarser. Neither rabbit has the American characteristic flyback fur, as my blues that I would label "selfs" do.