Question about rabbits living together

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Attal.Rabbits":1pbmojzh said:
I am sorry if i offended you, i wasent calling anyone mean or cruel i just personally think if i did it it would make me feel that way, but i dont judge other people and what they decide to do because every rabbit is diffrent and every owner has a diffrent set up, you suplly yotur rabbits with matts.... to get a brake from the wire if they need it, which is a wonderful thing to have this option avaible to them, but like i said i am not a judemental person and i dont know what a person has planned for there rabbits, but for me wire bottom just dosent feel right for me, so i give my rabbits a solid flooring, but u feel a wire flooirng is cleaner, and healthyer for the rabbit... there is nothing wrong with that, and i dont think your mean or cruel. sorrry u felt that way
You did not offend me personally, but I was a bit upset on behalf of a large number of rabbit breeders on here, as it did appear that you were calling anyone who raises on wire cruel and mean -- and we do not allow this kind of name-calling on here. If I have misunderstood you, I apologize.

If I understand you correctly, you were not saying that you think that we are cruel and mean for raising rabbits on wire, but that if your rabbits were on wire, then you would feel like you were being cruel and mean to them?

It is entirely understandable if you are uncomfortable with keeping your rabbits on wire, as long as you do not say it is wrong for others to keep theirs on wire. There are some things that are universally bad for rabbits -- feeding them lots of fruits and vegetables, for instance. If someone posted and said they fed only fruits and vegetables, you would be right to speak up and say, "That is not a good diet for your rabbit." Flooring is not one of those things. Rabbits can be kept successfully on solid floors, sand, pasture, wire, wood slats, etc.

Since you are looking to raise rabbits commercially to sell to markets and such, you will eventually have a lot of rabbits. As your rabbitry grows, you may find that solid flooring, which is fine in a small rabbitry, becomes very cumbersome and time-consuming. I'm not saying this will happen for sure, but that it might. The sheer amount of litter you will need for the rabbits, while its cost would be factored in to the cost of your rabbit meat, may make your meat too expensive to sell well. The amount of time it takes to clean may become too much.

What works well in a backyard family meat producing rabbitry may end up not working well when you have 55 working rabbits and 400 kits in nest boxes and in growout cages.

I'm not trying to convince you to use wire floors; I'm just putting down some thoughts. :)
Thanks for all the advice miss m, and yes i hate the internet when im speaking because someetimes i word things wrong, i dont ever think bad of others and i never judge. thanks for the advice about me being careful about how i word things. big hugs didnt mean to offend you. i am not planning on becomming that big. i only wanted a couple littlers at a time. i am more doing this as a hobby then a business i just love animals and want to be around them,me and my husband acutally run our own comptuer business which is succeful and being a stay home mom, and loving my rabbits so much, i thought it would be a good idea to get into a hobby to keep me busy, i get a bit lonley being cooped up in ahouse all day. and it would nice to have the meat for our houshold :)
Attal.Rabbits":3iywdd2l said:
Thanks for all the advice miss m, and yes i hate the internet when im speaking because someetimes i word things wrong, i dont ever think bad of others and i never judge. thanks for the advice about me being careful about how i word things. big hugs didnt mean to offend you. i am not planning on becomming that big. i only wanted a couple littlers at a time. i am more doing this as a hobby then a business i just love animals and want to be around them,me and my husband acutally run our own comptuer business which is succeful and being a stay home mom, and loving my rabbits so much, i thought it would be a good idea to get into a hobby to keep me busy, i get a bit lonley being cooped up in ahouse all day. and it would nice to have the meat for our houshold :)
I fixed your post, so it doesn't show three times. This is an edit we do pretty often here, though usually it's two, not three, posts.

I wonder if it happens when you click "submit", and wait, and it doesn't seem to work, so you click it again. :shrug:

It is true that on the internet it is very easy to misunderstand and be misunderstood. I work very hard to be clear, and I still am misunderstood sometimes. Working with text and little smileys demands an extra measure of grace from everyone, as no one can see anyone's expressions or hear their tones. I am sorry for not understanding what you meant, and jumping on the defensive.

If that's as big as you plan to get, your solid floors should not be an issue. The hutches Zab mentioned look very nice, and there's an Australian on here somewhere with similar hutches that he puts sand into rather than litter. I think he sifts and washes the sand, and reuses it.
Where do u find all the smiles, any of the smiles i do is my own made ones... i cant seem to find the option, and its ok you had a right to be defensive because it did sound rude what i said after i relooked at it from a diffrent view so no worried dear :-D also i have to admit my lack of sleep i have to very sick children 20 months and 11 weeks. its been horrible. so lack of sleep can def. make me word things wrong. yes there are some nice hucthes and ideas, and wow sand! i have loads sand box sand that never got used, is this what kind of sand he uses? and thats awsome to be able to wash the sand and such. i really like that idea. so far im planning on keeping it small, but i was trying to get as much information as possible just in case i do decide to go big one day. i love to get as much infor and see my options and such before i settle down with a discition. but so far the thing that is looking best for me is just to keep it very small. and we will see what happends from there. thanks again you have been a wonderful help!

__________ Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:56 am __________

ohhh and as for you wondering if i submited it twice this is what happend, i sumbited it once, then it instnalty showed i posted twice, then all of a sudden when i scrolled up then back down my posts were gone.... and it showed it all typed out in the message box as if i didnt send it... so i sumbited it one last time then it instnalty showed all three... i know that sounds really weired but thats what happend.

__________ Fri Jan 11, 2013 2:00 am __________

oh weired it did it again... maybe a glicth on the website or something?
I am doing a similar thing - planning to keep two does together and provide meat for the house. I have a little thread here comments-on-my-plan-t10906.html with some pictures. Mine aren't in hutches, but are in a big pen in an old stable. I can subdivide it later if the does start fighting, and I have a separate pen for the buck.
I also don't like wire bottomed cages, but I see that they work well for many people. Perhaps with rabbits that grew up like that it would be fine, but most pet or hobby rabbits in the UK are in hutches. I couldn't even find a supplier for wire cages here!

I hope your children get better soon too :)
The smilies can be found by clicking on "full editor" at the bottom of the page, rather than submitting your reply from there. It will bring up a page with all sorts of options, and you'll see some smilies on the left. Click "view more smilies", and you'll see we have a lot of them. At the top of the smiley page, click "filter by category", then "white rabbit", and you'll find even more.

I've had the duplicate post issue only once, myself, and I can't remember how it happened... so I haven't really been able to figure it out. It happens a lot to some members and not at all to others. I removed the duplicate from that post, too. Wish I knew why it did that.

I finally found the setup with the sand... the member is Bramble Hedge, and she hasn't been on in going on a year now. but you can still look at and read about her setup here: my-bunny-set-up-t5076.html
Thanks for the info! i was wondering what the full editor meant lol. i was to scared to click on it, because i didnt know what it was. great information! :thankyou: :bunnyhop: