Question about possible pregnant doe.

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Nov 7, 2014
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I have a young 1st time NZ doe that was bred same time as one of my proven California does 29 days ago. Cali girl (Margo) pulled some fur night before last so put nest box in yesterday. I didn't think the NZ (Ellie) was pregnant. I could never feel anything and she doesn't look pregnant or do any of the things my other girls do when pregnant. I was checking on them this morning and noticed her nipples are definitely larger. So now I'm thinking she's pregnant and put a nest box in but other than sniffing at it shows no interest in making a nest. Not sure what to make of it because my other girls leave no doubt.
Some does don't show any signs at all, either behavioral or physical- so it is a good thing you gave her a box. :) A few members have had does go to day 40 and beyond before kindling, so don't be in a hurry to remove the box.

I don't know if it really helps, but I like to put first time does next to experienced ones that are due to kindle at the same time so they can watch the nesting behavior. At the very least, all of those pheromones flying around probably stimulate labor... my does all kindle pretty close together when bred on the same day, with usually only one or two who hold out another day.
Thanks for the insight. I'll be sure to give her plenty of time with the nest box. Actually her cage is next to Margo's but there is a divider so I'll pull that out. I don't know if it will help either but sure can't hurt.

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