Quarantine time?

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Apr 8, 2013
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I searched but didn't see a definitive answer, so I thought I'd just ask here.

How long should I quarantine newly bought rabbits before putting them in with the herd?

I have one in the dining room and two are coming today. I saw the one scratching a little behind her ears, so I'm thinking she'll need some ivermectin drops in there. I have the liquid type for cattle.

Any hints would be appreciated.

I'm sure my wife would like to have her dining table back at some point, but for now, it's a rabbit cage base. She's such a good sport.
30 days or longer, but even with that, after some stress, they can show their hidden illness. Heck, they could be clean, with your current herd being the carriers and then the newbies get sick.
I give 5-6 drops for a 8-9 lbs rabbit.
Thanks, ChickiesnBunnies! I was hoping it would be a shorter time frame, but I don't want to put my herd at risk.

This rabbit weighs about 4 pounds soaking wet. I assume 3 drops in each ear then?
I did 5-6 drops total per rabbit and then follow up drops 2wks later.
I keep hearing it's hard to overdose that stuff, and I did end up putting a lot more on one rabbit when the syringe jammed on me, rabbit was fine...Wouldn't recommend that, though, lol.
Actually, you need 2 quarantine areas ... one for the bun you have in quarantine now, a seperate area for the 2 new ones coming ... maybe the garage? And a box of chocolates for the wife? :cheesysmile:
Ah, yea. If they aren't from the same source, you'll need another QT area. Didn't read that part...whoops.
Yep... 'fraid so... at least 30 days, longer if you see any issues. And yes, new buns from different breeders will need to be quarantined from each other, as well.

Considering the fact that your wife is allowing the dining room table takeover, and will also need to deal with the takeover of some other space somewhere for the other new buns... a box of chocolates now and a pretty spray of flowers when quarantine is over would help smooth over any rumples, and help ensure she remains amiable to any future disruptions. :p