Pure Sprouted Barley To Replace Pellets

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Jul 10, 2014
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Does anyone know anything about sprouting barley to feed to rabbits? A friend told me I could and it is really good for them. But I am not sure how to get started! :)
The link Zass gave is to a thread by one of our commercial meat rabbit growers. It details his fodder sprouting system as he was building it, the issues he had, and all. We're eagerly awaiting results from his first round of growouts raised on fodder. :)

Here's our main fodder thread. Grab coffee and some doughnuts... it's something like 25 pages long. fodder-sprouting-systems-anyone-t10317.html
I suppose I should have said something instead of just posting the link. :oops:

I knew Grumpy was using pure sprouted barley, and that the thread was recent, and that it had lots of nice pictures. So I thought it might be helpful.

Do we have anyone else on here currently feeding sprouted barley?
It's comin' right along... Every day I harvest between 18-20 pounds of
barley fodder. It's still a learning process for me but so far I've not had
any major problems with it.


I "AM" having problems with those blasted fruit-flies though. They love it!!
Haven't gotten a good handle on "how" to eliminate them as of yet. Once I
come up with a good solution, I'll post my findings. This one's a head-scratcher.

Some of your older stock will be slow coming around to it. But, given time
they begin to look forward to it. I've still got one doe and a couple of old
bucks that refuse to try it. I suppose they're too set in their ways. Overall
it's a big plus to their diet and reduces the feed bill a good bit. I doubt I'll
ever completely switch to a "barley-fodder" only diet. If I didn't sell any
stock and I could guarantee no problems with daily production, I might
consider it.

But, that's a perfect world and none of us live there. Especially me.

Grumpy, sticky yellow paper attracts and catches fruit flies. Or make a trap with a funnel over a glass jar and put a banana slice inside. Then you can sell your fruit flies to breeders of tiny amphibians.

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