Problems in the Colony!

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Dec 16, 2009
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South Eastern Ontario
Well, it was bound to happen. Things were just going too smoothly. This morning, David and I went down to feed and water and peek in on the two kits in the nest tunnel. As we went into the shed, Sage (the doe that lost her litter a few weeks ago when somebunny dug out her nest) came out of Alice's nest tunnel where the kits were. When we opened it up, we found one of the kits dead: limp and not quite cold and very flattened. :(

I've come to the conclusion that our space (8 feet square) is too small for three does and a buck. Alice is a great doe but the other two are not productive and this is just not working. We had planned to let the situation ride until spring, but we have decided Rosemary and Sage need to be taken out or separated. We'll have to keep them long enough to make sure they are not pregnant, but then they will likely be headed for freezer camp. We will likely keep one of Alice's older kits as a replacement doe and hope that works better with it raised in the colony and knowing "its place" from the beginning.

We brought the remaining kit up to the house and put it in a cage. It seems quite frightened and has dug itself under the hay. It was born on January 18, so it is 18 days old today. Awfully young to be weaned, so we will try taking it to Alice for nursing once or twice a day for the time being. It should be nibbling hay already. Alice's last litter emerged from the tunnel at three weeks and were eating everything in sight almost immediately.

Any suggestions to help the little one along are welcome. I have only 2% cow's milk in the house and no way of getting to the store... The van is out of commission. I've given it water and some oatmeal as well as a mix of grass and alfalfa hay.
I wouldnt give it cows milk. Other than that, I hope you have better luck than me. I think my whole litter is gonna die. :(

So sorry this happened to you. :(
Cow's milk would be a last resort, Shara... and even then I would use one of the formulas with egg yolk etc. rather than straight milk. It's a little easier when they are over two weeks old and beginning to nibble solids.

So sorry about your litter. That was a sad situation. It sounded from your post earlier today like the rest of the kits were doing okay. I'll go see your thread for an update.
Oh, lol, I was sure you knew about cows milk. :)

I think bringing the kit to it's mom is the best plan.

Yeah, they all seemed just fine. :( Oh well, I guess.
I had to take most of Berthas babies from her at around 18 days... they were harassing her quite bad. So I had them in a little cage topped up with that good hay, and offering oatmeal. They did just fine. As for the fluids, I had electro lite solution on hand for emergencies, and a sweet juice or tea to get used to drinking from the bottle.
I still have Berthas 10 kits in the house ( I had planned to set them loose in the shed last week, but the whole gas problem has weakened them enough that I need to fatten them up again before I trust them in this cold). The 2 left from Halloween are big enough for freezer camp... good thing, too, hubby said I need to start culling. SOME people think 16 fuzzy bodies is too many...
MaggieJ, if you'd like to foster a pregnant doe for a while, I have 2 good moms I expect to drop about 10 each. Queen BB + Thyme should kindle in 2 days, Bertha+Thumper should in 3.
That's encouraging to hear, Iggysbabysitter!

We took the kit down to Alice this afternoon to see if she would nurse it but she kept moving away. I wouldn't be surprised if she's pretty much weaned them. We left them together in the nest tunnel for the afternoon, while we tried to decide what is best, but brought him into the house this evening. I figure his chances are about even either way and at least he will be warm up here. He seems quite perky at the moment.

No space for more bunnies here... in fact I'm pretty sure Rosemary and Sage will be headed for freezer camp soon. I'll be interested to hear how your does do this round, especially Queen BB, since Thyme is the daddy. :) If you want some help on freezer camp day, be sure to let me know.

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